Dr. Gustav Borstad

Instructor Coordinator

Manning Hall 212
Office Hours
By Appointment
Gustav Borstad

About Dr. Borstad

Dr. Gustav Borstad joined the Department of Physics and Materials Science at the University of Memphis in July 2019. He teaches physics courses, coordinates the outreach and recruiting efforts of the Department, and provides support for the research activities in the Department. He holds a bachelor's degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (2008), and a Ph.D. degree in physics from Washington State University (2014).

Prior to joining the faculty of the University of Memphis, Dr. Borstad took a position as a postdoctoral fellow sponsored by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities, performing research at the Army Research Laboratory from 2014-2016. He then joined the Carnegie Institution of Washington as a postdoctoral associate from 2016-2018. Finally, from 2018-2019, he was a scientist with the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Indian Head, MD.

Dr. Borstad's professional interests include high-pressure physics and chemistry (which permits understanding of the fundamental properties of matter and synthesis of novel materials), physics pedagogy and education, and the history of physics.

List of Publications

  • J. C. Bennion, G. M. Borstad, T. A. Jenkins and J. A. Ciezak-Jenkins. "Formation of Extended Solids of Carbon Monoxide from Dirhenium Decacarbonyl." Crystal Engineering Communications (submitted).
  • J. A. Ciezak-Jenkins, G. M. Borstad, and I. G. Batyrev. "Characterization of the Isothermal Compression Behavior of LLM-172." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121, 4263-4271 (2017).
  • J. A. Ciezak-Jenkins, B. A. Steele, G. M. Borstad, and I. I. Oleynik. "Structural and Spectroscopic Studies of Nitrogen-Carbon Monoxide Mixtures: Photochemical Response and Observation of a Novel Phase." Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 184309 (2017).
  • G. M. Borstad and J. A. Ciezak-Jenkins. "Hydrogen-Bonding Modification in Biuret under Pressure." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121, 762-770 (2017).
  • G. M. Borstad, I. M. Batyrev, and J. A. Ciezak-Jenkins. "Cyanoacetohydrazide under Pressure: Chemical Changes in a Hydrogen-Bonded Crystal." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120, 2712-2719 (2016).
  • G. M. Borstad and C. S. Yoo. "Hydrogen Bonding Induced Proton Exchange Reactions in Dense D2-NH3 and D2-CH4 Mixtures." Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 044510 (2014).
  • G. M. Borstad and C. S. Yoo. "H2O and D2 Mixtures under Pressure: Spectroscopy and Proton Exchange Kinetics." Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 174508 (2011).
  • C. Uranga, G. M. Borstad, C. Connell, L. R. Zink, and M. Jackson. "Discovery and Frequency Measurement of Short-Wavelength Far-Infrared Laser Emissions from Optically Pumped 13CD3OH and CHD2OH." Applied Physics B 88, 503-505 (2007).

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