Summer 2023 Multidisciplinary Physics Research for Undergraduates

The Multidisciplinary Physics Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program, scheduled to take place from June 5 to August 11, 2023. 


Students can choose from a variety of research projects from five main themes:

Theme 1: Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
Theme 2: Biophysics
Theme 3: Photonics/Plasmonics
Theme 4: Computational Physics
Theme 5: Astronomy


  • 10-week research-intense summer program
  • Period: June 5 - August 11, 2023
  • $5,000 stipend
  • On-campus housing
  • Round trip travel allowance to Memphis

Applicants should be U.S. citizens or permanent residents


APPLY for Summer 2023 >

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