About the Undergraduate Program in Philosophy

Philosophy Major

Program objectives for a B.A. in Philosophy are (a) to acquire fundamental knowledge reflecting the subdivisions within the discipline; (b) to express a high degree of satisfaction with the program and instruction within the department; and (c) to be able to demonstrate skills which will be beneficial in further study or in their career paths.

A. University General Education Program (41 hours)

See Graduation from the University link for the University General Education Program requirements.

B. Undergraduate Catalog

The College of Arts and Sciences and Bachelor of Arts requirements are in addition to the University General Education Program requirements.

C. The Major (30 hours)

Completion of 30 semester hours in philosophy courses including PHIL 1101 or 1102, 1611, 3001 (Fall), 3002 (Spring), 3411 (Fall) or 3511 (Spring) and 15 additional upper division semester hours. To prepare philosophy students for success in a number of fields, the department offers a variety of upper division courses. See the philosophy section of the Undergraduate Catalog for course descriptions or see our Undergraduate Courses here.

D. Electives

Additional electives may be chosen to bring the total number of hours to 120. See the Undergraduate Catalog for more information.

E. Honors Program

This program is open to philosophy majors with a 3.0 overall average and a 3.5 average in philosophy. The student will complete, with a minimum grade of "B", a thesis submitted for credit in PHIL 4891. The thesis topic must be approved by the thesis director before the student registers for PHIL 4891. Those students who complete the program and the regular college requirements will be recognized at the commencement ceremony by having their degree conferred "With Honors in Philosophy." Moreover, the student's diploma and record at the University of Memphis will reflect this distinction.

Philosophy Minor

Completion of 18 semester hours in philosophy courses, including PHIL 1101 or 1102, 1311 or 1611, and 12 upper division semester hours. In consultation with the coordinator of undergraduate studies in philosophy, a student may design a minor (18 hours) that applies to the student's major area of study.

Online BA in Philosophy - Concentration in Applied Ethics

This program focuses on ethical theories and ethical problem-solving in the context of a number of professional domains including medicine, law, and business. Core courses in this program provide a solid foundation in the history of philosophy and logic.

You can find more information about our online program here (link will open site in new window).

Why choose Philosophy as a major?

The number one skill you will achieve as a philosophy major is the ability to think logically, critically and independently. What future employer wouldn't want that in an employee? And even better... How do you rise to the ranks of being the boss/the business owner/the CEO? By thinking logically, critically and independently.

Philosophy is a springboard for a number of professions. It prepares you for law school and other professional programs, and it can give you a solid foundation for a career in business, teaching, writing or public service. So yes, you can stick around a university and become a professor, OR you can move on to do some truly incredible, ground-breaking things, all rooted in critical thought.

Explore our career resources >

Note About TNeCampus Courses

For students transferring credits into UofM: TNeCampus courses do not count towards the UofM major/minor in Philosophy. These include TNeCampus PHIL 1030 and PHIL 1040, as well as any TNeCampus PHIL courses that have an Rxx section number, e.g., PHIL 1030.R01, PHIL 1030.R25, PHIL 1040.R01, etc.)

Our UofM Global courses DO count towards the major/minor in Philosophy. These courses all have a section number beginning with the capital letter M, e.g. PHIL 1101.M51, PHIL 3514.M50, etc. 


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