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In Plato's Phaedo, Socrates argues that philosophy prepares one for death—a kind of "training for dying" (67e). The department of Philosophy at the University of Memphis believes philosophy prepares one for life and a multitude of careers.


Speaker Series:
Philosophers at Work

Please join us on March 19, 2021 at 3:00 P.M. (Zoom information TBA) for a workshop on Alternative Careers featuring the following speakers:

Desiree Ramacus-Bushnell

Desirée Ramacus-Bushnell, Ph.D.

Director of Operations and Partnerships at Meritan, Inc. (and subsidiaries Generations, Inc. and Apelah, Inc.)


Reid Blackman

Reid Blackman, Ph.D.

The Founder and CEO of Virtue, an ethics consultancy




"So What Are You Going to Do with That?" {Finding Careers Outside Academia}

So what are you going to do with that?In this third edition of "So What Are You Going to Do with That?", thoroughly revised with new advice for students in the sciences, Susan Basalla and Maggie Debelius—PhDs themselves—answer all those questions with a resounding "Yes!" A witty, accessible guide full of concrete advice for anyone contemplating the jump from scholarship to the outside world, "So What Are You Going to Do with That?" covers topics ranging from career counseling to interview etiquette to how to translate skills learned in the academy into terms an employer can understand and appreciate. Packed with examples and stories from real people who have successfully made this daunting—but potentially rewarding—transition, and written with a deep understanding of both the joys and difficulties of the academic life, this fully updated guide will be indispensable for any graduate student or professor who has ever glanced at his or her CV, flipped through the want ads, and wondered, "What if?"


The Professor Is InThe Professor Is In | Karen Kelsky, through her business, The Professor Is In, has advised countless graduate students and junior faculty members on how to navigate the perilous waters of the job search.


Inside Higher ED"Connecting on LinkedIn" | Jennifer Polk and L. Maren Wood answer the most commonly asked questions from Ph.D.s seeking jobs beyond the professoriate. May 30, 2018


Imagine PhDImagine PhD | Imagine PhD is a free online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences.

American Philosophical Association Careers outside academiaPresidential Management Fellowship | A two-year program to train recent graduate degree earners for management positions in the US federal government. 


Additional Resources

American Philosophical Association resources
Beyond Academia
Beyond the Tenure Track
Chronicle of Higher Education ChronicleVitae
PhD Career Guide
PhDs At Work
Phil Skills
Philosophers in Industry
Wine and Government Cheese

Career Services

University of Memphis Career Services
Colombia University list of resources
University of Kentucky list of resources

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