Relational Autonomy and Collective Intentionality

October 28-29, 2022

University Center, Fountain View Room

The concept of relational autonomy, as it has been developed in feminist and critical theory contexts, is based on the idea that individuals are socially embedded and that their identities are formed in social relationships and shaped in the complexity of intersecting social factors, such as race, class and gender. At 40th Annual Spindel Conference will explore connections between relational autonomy, intersubjective recognition, and the practices of institutions or collectives and how they can enhance or undermine autonomy. 

Speakers and participants:

Corey Barnes
Matt Bower
Mason Cash
John Christman
Catriona Mackenzie
John Protevi
Lanei Rodemeyer
Georg Theiner
Deborah Tollefsen
Sarah Vincent
Andrea Westlund
Dan Zahavi


Click here to view the PDF of the program.


The conference is free and open to the public. For questions about accessibility please contact Professor Shaun Gallagher at s.gallagher@memphis.edu. Requests should be made as soon as possible. 

Poster for the 2022 Spindel Conference

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