"New Ontologies of Race"

October 29-30, 2021

University Center, Bluff Room (304)

Recently, we have seen a variety of new accounts of the ontology of race.  In addition to questions about whether race exists and if so, what kind of things race is, recent work has brought into question the value of ontology itself, how ontology relates to the way we talk about race, and how our understanding of what race is can help us understand racial oppression as well as racial progress.  Through a variety of different approaches to understanding what race is, this conference will explore questions such as ‘is there large scale agreement as to what races are?’, ‘can an account of what race is help us with our concerns about what we should do about race problems?’, ‘Do we talk as if race can be several different kinds of things and what implications, if any, does this have for what race is?’, and ‘How should we understand the work of previous generations on race and how can it help us?’


  • Michael Hardimon
  • Ron Mallon
  • Quayshawn Spencer 
  • Stephanie Shaw
  • Ásta
  • Lucius Outlaw, Jr.
  • Chike Jeffers


A copy of the conference schedule is available here (hyperlink will open pdf file of the program).


The conference is free and open to the public. For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations please contact Dr. David Gray at dmgray2@memphis.edu or by calling 901-678-2535. Requests should be made as soon as possible.

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