Ida B. Wells Conference

The Ida B. Wells Conference is organized by the Ida B. Wells Association, founded by University of Memphis graduate students to promote discussion of philosophical issues arising from the African American experience and to provide a context in which to mentor undergraduates.

On May 4, 2020, Ida B. Wells was awarded the Pulitzer Prize posthumously for her outstanding and courageous reporting on the horrific and vicious violence against African Americans during the era of lynching.

Recent and upcoming conferences

2024 - 16th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2023 - 15th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2022 - 14th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2022 - 13th Ida B. Wells Conference | Conference Poster

2020 - 2021 - Delayed due to COVID-19

2019 - 12th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2018 - 11th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2016 - 10th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2015 - 9th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2014 - 8th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2013 - 7th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2012 - 6th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2011 - 5th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2010 - 4th Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2009 - 3rd Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2008 - 2nd Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

2007 - 1st Annual Ida B. Wells Conference

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