Master of Arts Program Overview

The Department of Philosophy offers a comprehensive and balanced program of study leading to the degree of Master of Arts in Philosophy. The aim of the program is twofold. It is designed to provide comprehensive training in philosophy for students seeking work beyond the baccalaureate, as background for such areas as law, theology, psychology, and cognitive science, or solely for self-enrichment. For students intending to continue their study in a doctoral program, the program also provides the thorough preparation necessary for admission to and success in a PhD program.

Course Requirements

The program requires 33 semester hours of course work for students who do not write a thesis, 30 hours for students who write a thesis. These must include (a) two courses in the history of philosophy; (b) two courses from metaphysics, epistemology, and related areas; and (c) two courses in normative areas of philosophy.


Several assistantships are available for students in the MA program. Assistantships are renewed for the second year for students making satisfactory progress in the two-year MA program. 

Further Information

Additional information and guidelines regarding our MA Program may be found in the Graduate Studies Guidebook, or by contacting the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Daniel Smith.

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