Kelby Biblerheadshot of Kelby Bibler


BA, Political Science, Minor in Philosophy — Belmont University (2019)
MA, Philosophy — Boston College (2022)

Research Interests

Philosophies of Drug Use and Experience, 4E Cognition (esp. Enactivism), Philosophy of Mind, and Social Theory (esp. Critical Theory, Marxism, Situatedness, and Philosophy of Film)

Selected Presentations

Bibler, K. (2023). “An Account of Disembodied and Hyperembodied Experiences from Embodied Cognition.” Boston College Philosophy Graduate Student Conference on Embodiment from Then to Now: Perspectives on Sex and Gender. Chestnut Hill, MA.  

Bibler, K. (2023). “Is Mind Alteration Therapeutic? Intertwining Phenomenology and Psychedelic Therapy.” London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research International Conference on Medical Humanities, London, England, U.K.

Bibler, K. (2023). “Altering the Body, Altering the Mind: A 4E Approach to Psychopharmacological Interventions.” 4thInternational Conference on Philosophy of Mind: 4E Approaches to the Mind/Brain. Braga, Portugal. 

Bibler, K. (2023). “Bad Habits, Good Outcomes: Toward a More Nuanced Relation Between Addiction and Autonomy.” Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Bibler, K. (2022). “The Role of Phantasy in Bracketing Existence-Belief: Clarifying Husserl’s Eidetic Reduction.” Boston College Master’s Student Colloquium. Chestnut Hill, MA. 


Email: kbibler@memphis.edu
Office hours by appointment. 

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