Motorcycle Parking

Only motor vehicles displaying the University of Memphis motorcycle sticker — including motorcycles, motor bikes, and motor scooters— regardless of size may park in spaces designated “Motorcycle Parking.” Operating these vehicles on any surface other than designated streets or parking areas is expressly prohibited. Parking on sidewalks or chaining these vehicles to lampposts and other similar structures is specifically prohibited. These vehicles may park only in designated and/or marked regular parking spaces.

Motorcycle Spaces: Lot 46, Lot 41, and Lot 5

Motorcyclists may obtain a motorcycle/bumper sticker from Parking & Transportation Services located at 120 Zach Curlin Parking Garage.

Parking Lots Spaces
General Permit Access Lot 5 160 General Permit Parking Spaces
4 Motorcycle Spaces
General Permit Access Lot 15 2010 General Permit Parking Spaces
32 Visitor Metered Spaces
3 Accessible Parking Spaces
15 Reserved Spaces
9 Loading Zone Spaces
Accessible Lot 41 9 Accessible Parking Spaces
4 Loading Zone Paces
4 Motorcycle Parking Spaces
General Permit Access Lot 46 353 General Permit Parking Spaces
4 Motorcycle Parking Spaces

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