University Department Parking Requests

There are two types of University Department Parking Requests:

  1. Requests for parking accommodations for employees executing University business
  2. Requests for visitor parking

Requests for employee parking accommodations. Departments may purchase departmental parking permits (hangtags) to be used by employees during the business day to execute University business for the department. If the employee performs department business on a regular basis, the employee may retain possession of the hangtag, although this may NOT be used as their own personal hangtag. Departments may also designate a representative who will have custody and responsibility for the permit. The representative may then issue the permit to department employees as needed. The representative will ensure that the permit usage does not violate University procedure. Departments will be charged on an annual basis for department permits at the rate of $40.00 per month for priority or $23 per month for general.

NOTE: University Policy BF4012 - Disbursement of Funds, states: "University parking fees and permits for employees will not be paid from any University funds. This applies to regular or temporary faculty and staff, part-time and student staff, and any other individuals employed by the University."

Requests for visitor parking. Departments who request special parking accommodations for visitors/guests are responsible for payment of the parking fees for those guests. Departments are also responsible for notifying guests of what lot(s) they may park in when on campus. Do NOT notify guests of parking accommodations until the arrangements are confirmed with Parking & Transportation Services. Access the Department Guest Parking Request Form here.

General Permit Parking. Cost for an Invited Visitor Permit which allows visitors access to General Parking is $3.00 per day. Departments should purchase the visitor permits and distribute to guests in advance of the guests visit, so they will have the permit displayed in their vehicles upon arrival on campus.

Priority Permit Parking. Cost for access to priority lots is $4.00 per day. Departments wanting priority lot access, especially for multiple guests, are encouraged to have guests park in either parking garage. Priority (gated) access to lots other than the garages will only be granted if lot availability allows. Payment for the guests' parking would be through the use of Validation Coupons for Fogelman Drive Garage or Service Tickets for Zach Curlin Garage. Departments should notify Parking & Transportation Services at least 48 hours in advance of the visitors' arrival to obtain the coupons/tickets and arrange for payment. Validation Coupons and Service Tickets cost $4.00 per day and are good for one time usage only. Please note that multiple same day guests will not be allowed access to gated lots other than the parking garages due to limited space availability in the surface lots.
If parking is not pre-arranged, the department guest has three options:

  1. Come to the Parking & Transportation Services office and purchase an Invited Visitor permit for General Parking on the date of his/her visit
  2. Park in one of the garages at a cost of $3.00 per hour ($15.00 maximum per day)
  3. Park at one of the meters on campus at a cost of $2.00 per hour

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