
Core Courses (24 credit hours)

Students must complete 24 credit hours of core courses (each course is 3 credit hours)

  • PADM 7641 – Theory and Practice of Nonprofit Administration
  • PADM 7642 – Resource Development
  • PADM 7643 – Nonprofit Financial Leadership
  • PADM 7645 – Social Justice and Nonprofit Advocacy
  • PADM 7601 – Research Methods
  • PADM 7605 – Human Resources Administration
  • PADM 7612 – Program and Policy Evaluation
  • PADM 7607 – Public Service Leadership (Capstone)

Tracks (12 credit hours)

Students must complete 12 credit hours of courses in one of three specializations or tracks

Social justice and social change

    • The social justice and social change track will prepare students to analyze social justice issues, effectively engage in nonprofit advocacy and lobbying, participate in the policy arena, and lead community grassroots efforts.  

Fundraising and philanthropy

    • The fundraising and philanthropy track will provide graduates with the knowledge and skills to draft competitive grant proposals, develop compelling annual development plans, and create impactful marketing plans for their organizations.

Generalist nonprofit management

    • The generalist track will allow students to customize their studies, choosing electives that meet their educational and professional needs.

Internship (3 credit hours)

Each student who does not have public service experience must complete an internship. See the internship handbook for specific information.


All students seeking the Master of Nonprofit Management Degree must produce a satisfactory capstone ePortfolio. The ePortfolio is introduced at the beginning of the program and students add to it throughout their experience. The completion phase of the ePortfolio is incorporated into PADM 7607: Public Service Leadership (Capstone Course). Students must intend to graduate in the calendar year in which they enroll in PADM 7607.

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