Continuing Education Units

CEU/CPE Application - Click here.

Many professions require members to gain additional education for relicensing and certification. Continuing Education credits (CEUs) satisfy this requirement. The University of Memphis Office of Professional & Continuing Education works with businesses and professional organizations to develop courses that will meet the criteria for CEUs. We also award CEUs for seminars, workshops, courses and conferences you develop and host. The information below outlines the process for gaining approval for a non-credit activity.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a universally recognized standard unit of non-credit learning which allows individuals to gain recognition for efforts to update and broaden their knowledge and skills. The CEU is most helpful in professions where Continuing Education is mandated.

What defines a Continuing Education Unit?

  • One (1) CEU is ten contact hours of participation in an organized non-credit experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
  • A CEU recognizes an individual’s participation in an approved non-credit program.
  • A CEU is offered for true educational experiences, not for participation in entertainment, social, or athletic activities.
  • A CEU is offered to individuals who attend at least 75% of an approved program.
  • Breaks, luncheon meetings, or receptions are not considered qualified instruction periods and therefore do not count in the total number of hours. However, if these events include facilitated discussion or other educational contact, they may be considered for CEU contact hours.

Criteria for CEUs
In order for the Office of Professional and Continuing Education to approve a program for CEU credit:

  • The program must be of strong educational content geared for professionals in a particular field or discipline.
  • The program must be at least four hours in length.
  • Program description, objectives, outline, daily schedule, and vita(e) of facilitator(s) must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the beginning date of the event.
  • An evaluation form or method appropriate for the event must be submitted 30 days prior to the beginning date of the event.
  • An accurate attendance record for the duration of the event must be maintained and submitted within 10 working days following the course.

Your options for providing CEUs
Once your program has been approved for CEUs, you may elect to provide CEUs for all participants, or you may give the participants the option of CEUs. Often organizers will include the per-participant cost of the CEU certificate (currently $25) in the cost of the program so that the provision for continuing education credit is seamless to the participant. However you decide to proceed, you will need to submit a list of attendees and an accurate record of their attendance to the Professional & Continuing Education Office within 10 working days of the event’s conclusion. The PCE Office will generate the CEU certificates and mail them to the recipients. The University maintains CEU transcripts for five years.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

The University of Memphis can approve continuing professional education (CPE) programs in accordance with nationally recognized standards. CPE credits are measured by program length, with one 50-minute period equal to one CPE credit. One-half credit increments (equal to 25 minutes) are permitted after the first credit has been earned. Instruction time must be rounded down to the nearest full or half contact hour. CPE credit for university or college courses is based on one semester hour equal to 15 credits and one quarter hour equal to 10 credits.

CPE Programs must:

  • Be based on relevant learning objectives and outcomes that clearly articulate the knowledge, skills and abilities that can be achieved by participants in the learning activities.
  • Be consistent with the prerequisite education, experience and/or advance preparation of participant.
  • Be current, technically accurate and effectively designed.
  • Have been developed by individuals qualified in the subject matter and familiar with instructional design.
  • Be reviewed by qualified persons other than those who developed them.

Criteria for CPEs

In order for the Office of Professional and Continuing Education to approve a program for CPE credit:

  • Provide descriptive materials that enable participants to assess the appropriateness of the learning activity.
  • Program description, objectives, outline, daily schedule, and vita(e) of facilitator(s) must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the beginning date of the event.
  • An evaluation form or method appropriate for the event must be submitted 30 days prior to the beginning date of the event.
  • An accurate attendance record for the duration of the event must be maintained and submitted within 10 working days following the course.

Your options for providing CPEs
Once your program has been approved for CPEs, you may elect to provide CPEs for all participants, or you may give the participants the option of CPEs. Often organizers will include the per-participant cost of the CPE certificate (currently $25) in the cost of the program so that the provision for continuing professional education is seamless to the participant. However you decide to proceed, you will need to submit a list of attendees and an accurate record of their attendance to the Professional & Continuing Education Office within 10 working days of the event’s conclusion. The PCE Office will generate the CPE certificates and mail them to the recipients. The University maintains CPE transcripts for five years.

Steps for Obtaining CEU/CPE Approval

1. Apply (Download application form here.)

Submit the information detailed above at least 30 days prior to the beginning date of the event.

2. Processing Fee

There is a $150 processing fee for either CEU or CPE approval ($225 for both), which is good for a single approved course for one year or for a one-time conference. This fee is non-refundable and is due 30 days prior to the beginning date of the event. The check should be made payable to The University of Memphis.

3. Distribute CEU/CPE Forms

Once a course or conference has been approved for CEUs and/or CPEs, a registration form will be provided for distribution at the event. All participants who wish to obtain CEUs and/or CPEs must send the registration form to our office before the deadline indicated on the form, along with a $25 fee. Checks should be made payable to The University of Memphis.

4. Submit Attendance Record

Submit an accurate attendance record for all components of the event within 10 working days following the event.

5. Certificates

All participants who have met the 75% attendance requirement and submitted their registration form and the $25 fee will be awarded a certificate. These will be mailed directly to the participants. Duplicate certificates will be provided for a charge of $10. Email: pacetraining@memphis.edu for more information.

6. Records

CEU and CPE records are stored for five years from the date of the course or activity. Transcripts may be requested in writing from The University of Memphis, Continuing Education Office, 365 Innovation Drive, Suite 201, Memphis, TN 38152-3440. Please provide the participant’s social security number and/or date of birth. Email: pacetraining@memphis.edu for more information.

Planning Your Event

The following standards must be followed when planning a course or activity that will award CEUs or CPEs:

  • The non-credit course/activity should respond to an assessment of educational need and be planned for a specific target population.
  • There must be a statement of objective, rational, and purpose for the course/activity.
  • The content should be selected and organized in a sequential manner.
  • There should be evidence of pre-planning which includes opportunity for input by those having expertise in the content area.
  • Appropriate evaluation criteria must be established.


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