Academic Misconduct


A student may be found to have engaged in academic misconduct, if they engage in any act of academic dishonesty which may include, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Making use of or providing unauthorized assistance or materials in the preparation or taking of an examination or other academic coursework;
  2. Acting as a substitute for another person in any academic evaluation or assignment;
  3. Utilizing another person as a substitute for him/herself in any academic evaluation or assignment;
  4. Committing plagiarism by presenting as one’s own work, for academic evaluation or assignment, the ideas, representations, or works of another person or persons or oneself without customary and proper acknowledgment of sources;
  5. Knowingly submitting one’s work for multiple assignments or classes unless explicitly authorized by the instructor;
  6. Committing an act that materially prevents, impedes, and/or impairs others from completing an academic evaluation or assignment; and/or
  7. Attempting to influence or change one’s academic evaluation or record, through dishonesty, coercion, threat, and/or intimidation.
