About our office...

The Office of Student Accountability is responsible for the administration of the student disciplinary process, which includes academic and behavioral misconduct as defined in the Student Code.  We support faculty by providing resources and training relevant to our functions.  Faculty primarily interact with our office when there is a complaint involving academic misconduct or when there is a classroom disruption caused by a student.

Our office plays a neutral role with respect to investigating student misconduct.  Allegations of misconduct are investigated by a Conduct Educator who gathers relevant information and evidence, meets with parties and witnesses, advises parties on resolution options, and documents findings.  If there is sufficient information to show a violation of our rules by a preponderance of the evidence, the Conduct Educator will offer an informal resolution to the Respondent.  If the Respondent does not accept the resoluation agreement the Conduct Educator will present their investigation to a Student Conduct Board.

Faculty are invited to take advantage of our suggested syllabi statements, review related resources, and learn about our new academic misconduct process.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance at studentaccountability@memphis.edu.

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