Public Reports

Student Applications & Admissions

Application Trends - summarizes a five year trend of applications, admits, and enrollments as of census.

Student Enrollment

Student Enrollment Trends- Student headcount or full-time equivalent (FTE) by student level over time.

Student Demographics- Student headcount by gender, race, age, first generation status, and Pell status.

Student Origins - Student headcount by residency, top states, top Tennessee counties, top  high schools, and top previous institutions.

Program Enrollment - Enrollment in undergraduate and graduate programs, by College/School and student class level.

Enrollment Projections (Excel) - University-level enrollment projections, with the ability to modify future retention and new student parameters to evaluate the impact on future enrollment  growth.

Student Success

Retention Rates - One-year retention rates for first-time, full-time freshmen and transfer students.

Graduation Rates - Four-year and six-year graduation rates for cohorts of first-time, full-time freshmen.

Grade Distributions - Course grade distributions for the past 5 years.

Degrees Awarded - Degrees awarded by Degree level over time.

Post-Graduation Student Follow-up - Earnings, debt, time-to-degree, and continuing postsecondary education of students who have graduated.


Employee Headcount - Faculty & staff employee headcount by EEO Skill Classification category, over time.

Full Time Faculty - Full Time Faculty by College/School, Tenure Status, Rank, Gender, and Race.

Restricted Access Reports
(Faculty and Staff Only)

Student Applications & Admissions

Daily Application Activity - summarizes year-over-year application activity for the upcoming semester, based on the number of days until semester start date. 

Student Enrollment

Census Enrollment - Student Enrollment, Course Enrollment (can be used for course offering planning), Student Origins, Student demographics. This internal dashboard can be filtered by a number of student and institutional variables.

Daily Enrollment Tracker - A daily update of enrollment for the upcoming term for which registration is open, and provides comparative enrollment as of the same day last year.

Teaching Activity - See trends in courses and students taught by faculty, course capacity, low-enrollment courses.

Student Success

Retention & Graduation Rates - Retention and graduation rates for first time freshmen, first-time transfers, and first-time graduate students, including demographics, course retention, graduation rate gaps, and the ability to filter by a number  of internal variables related to student and institutional characteristics.

Grade Distributions - Grades earned in courses and course success rates, with the ability to filter down to the course level.

Degrees Awarded - Degrees awarded by Degree level over time, and the ability to filter by a number of internal variables related to student  and institutional characteristics. 


Faculty & Staff Trends - Headcount and FTE for Faculty and Staff over time, by demographic characteristics.

Teaching Activity - Full time faculty teaching loads, data for new faculty hire justifications, instructional faculty by tenure status and rank, course capacity, instructor load detail.

Academic Unit and Special Reports

Academic Unit Key Performance Indicators - extensive list of data points important to the institution’s on-going sustainability. Can view at College, Department, and program (where applicable) level.

Schedule Planning Resources - OIR dashboards to help with course schedule planning, including historical enrollment trends by courses and majors, UMDegree Audit courses, and enrollment projections for the upcoming semester by major and by course.

UM Global - Online programs and courses, online enrollment and credit hours, characteristics of online students, online student retention and graduation rates, online course success rates, online degrees awarded.

Peer Reports

Peer Institutions - OIR dashboard of peer institutional characteristics utilizing IPEDS, NSF HERD survey, and U.S. News survey data.

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