Student Data Reports

Enrollment and Credit Hours

General Enrollment

  • Enrollment Table Generator ThumbnailEnrollment Table Generator Thumbnail Enrollment Report Generator (Interactive Tool)

    Create customizable reports based on any student characteristics across time

  • Program Review ThumbnailProgram Review Thumbnail Program Review (Excel)

    View University,College or Department enrollment data for a term. Includes 1) Program Summary: enrollment by gender and ethnicity, average class size, mean GPA, mean test scores. 2) Enrollment Profiles: By age, registration type, attendance schedule, and geographic origin. 3) Concentrations: 4-year trends of concentration enrollments by Lambuth status.

  • Enrollment Monitor ThumbnailEnrollment Monitor Thumbnail Enrollment Monitor (PDF)

    Basic University-level statistics as of the 14th day census. Reports by student class, first time freshmen, registration type and class, ethnicity, and gender.

  • UG Profile ThumbnailUG Profile Thumbnail Undergraduate Profiles (PDF)

    20 University-level tables: age by gender and race, enrollment status by avg attempted credit hours, majors by class, residency & campus residence, enrollment in online courses, enrollment in off-campus/evening/weekend classes, enrollment as an honors student or athletics, enrollment as first generation status, preadmissions criteria, aspirations, college choice, desire for educational help, living arrangements, work expectations, adjusted income & financial aid.

Daily Enrollment

  • Daily Enrollment Tracker ThumbnailDaily Enrollment Tracker ThumbnailDaily Enrollment Tracker (Web - Login)

    Compare enrollment for an upcoming term with the same day last year. View different tabs to see details by program, and details by course. Details by program shows enrollments at the college of major, department of major, major, and concentration levels compared to the same day last year. Details by course shows course enrollment at the college, department, subject and course level compared to the same day last year.

Enrollment Projections

  • Markov Chain ThumbnailMarkov Chain ThumbnailMarkov Chain (Excel)

    University-level projections with the ability to modify future retention and new student parameters in order to evaluate the impact on future enrollment growth and retention

Retention and Graduation



Student Success
Applications & Admissions
First Time Freshmen
  • Freshmen Profiles ThumbnailFreshmen Profiles Thumbnail Freshmen Profiles (PDF)

    21 First Time Freshmen tables: Age by gender and race, majors by gender, residency & campus residence, enrollment in online courses, enrollment in off-campus/evening/weekend classes, enrollment as an honors student or athletics, enrollment as first generation status, preadmissions criteria, aspirations, college choice, desire for educational help, living arrangements, work expectations, adjusted income & financial aid.

Online and Off-Campus
  • Online Profile ThumbnailOnline Profiles Thumbnail Online Course Profiles (PDF)

    Online Credit Hour Enrollment by student age, gender, full-time status, ethnicity, geographic origin, residency, and college.

  • Lambuth Profile ThumbnailLambuth Profile Thumbnail Lambuth Profile (PDF)

    Online Credit Hour Enrollment by student age, gender, full-time status, ethnicity, geographic origin, residency, and college.

  • Enrollment Table Generator ThumbnailEnrollment Table Generator Thumbnail Enrollment Report Generator (Interactive Tool)

    Use Attendance-Lambuth Campus, Attendance-All Online, Attendance-Off-Campus, Attendance-UM Online , etc. as a Row Variable, or as a Separate Tables By variable. Create customizable reports based on any student characteristics across time

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