Earnings and Employment of Graduated Students

The following reports are available to help track what happens to students after they graduate from the University of Memphis.

Office of Institutional Research Reports

Median Salary, Average Debt, and Time to Completion for Graduates
This report looks at all students who graduated from 2007-08 to the most recent year available, and provides information by degree and major on the percent who continued their education after graduation, the average time to degree, the medial salary one year after graduation, and the median debt at graduation. Includes only students who are employed in the state of Tennessee. Earnings and employment data come from the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development database.

Earnings of Graduates by Degree
Provides information on the median salary of graduated students by degree and major, as of one year after graduation.  Includes only students who are employed in the state of Tennessee. Earnings and employment data come from the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development database.

Top 20 Most Frequent Employers of University of Memphis Graduates
Provides a list of the twenty most frequent Tennessee employers of students during the first year after graduation. Employment data come from the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development database.

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