OIR Mission

The Office of Institutional Research is committed to providing reliable information to academic and administrative units in support of policy formation, planning, and decision making.  Detailed information is available to administrative officials, such as the President, Provost, Deans, department heads, and governing boards.  Aggregated data are available for public use.  The office staff invites requests for data analysis and endeavors to honor all requests within the time constraints of the requestor.

In performance of its function, the Office of Institutional Research:

  • Serves as the centralized electronic repository of archived information on students, faculty and staff.
  • Identifies trends that will affect resource commitments in the future.
  • Reports to the state of Tennessee and other agencies that monitor the activities and assets of the University.
  • Produces decision-support programming and analysis for University and departmental purposes.
  • Provides data for surveys through its web pages.

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