Information for Students, Staff & Faculty


Sexual Harassment

Complainant's Rights How am I protected as someone making a sexual harassment complaint? Learn this and more about the rights afforded to people making complaints regarding Title IX and/or Sexual Harassment.
Respondent's Rights  How am I protected if someone makes a sexual harassment complaint against me? Information about the rights afforded to people named in a complaint regarding Title IX and/or Sexual Harassment.
Resource Sheet Where can I get help? Find more info about on-campus and off-campus resources for people affected by Sexual Harassment in this list. 

Discrimination, Harassment, & Retaliation

Complainant's Rights Information about the rights afforded to people making complaints regarding Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. 
Respondent's Rights Information about the rights afforded to people named in a complaint regarding Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. 
Resource Sheet

On-campus and off-campus resources for people affected by Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. 


Pregnancy Accommodations & Resources

Accommodation of Pregnant Students for Faculty

Information, policy review, and FAQs for faculty members who have received a request for Pregnancy Accommodations from a student. 

Expecting & Nursing Students, Employees

On-campus resources, lactation spaces, Title IX rights, and general accommodation information for students and employees who are expecting. 


Limited English Proficiency 

In Need of Translator Poster (English/Spanish)

Need a translator? ¿Necesita un traductor? Information about availability of translators for persons of Limited English Proficiency available in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Equal Opportunity Poster (English/Spanish) Does the University of Memphis protect workers from discrimination? Learn more about Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination rights for Employees at the UofM.


Workplace Posters


Federal Posters

Equal Employment Opportunity Poster (English/Spanish/Chinese) What keeps me from being discriminated against? Refer to this poster from the U.S. government detailing the protections afforded to workers by Equal Employment Opportunity. 
Fair Labor Standards Act/Federal Minimum Wage Poster (English/Spanish/Chinese) What is the least I can get paid? How does overtime work? Look at this poster from the U.S. government detailing Employee Rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act. 
Family and Medical Leave Act Poster (English/Spanish) What is FMLA? Take a look at this poster from the U.S. government detailing Employee Rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act. 
Nursing Mothers Poster (English/Spanish) How can I pump breast milk during work? Learn more about the requirements regarding expressing breast milk during work hours under the Fair Labor Standards Act. 
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Poster (English) Can I return to work after serving in the military? Review the protections provided by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act in this poster from the U.S. government. 
Employee Polygraph Protection Act Poster (English/Spanish) Do I have to take a polygraph? This poster goes over employee rights under the Employee Polygraph Protection Act. 

State Posters

Title VI Notice Is the University of Memphis an Equal Opportunity Employer? Notice regarding the University of Memphis' compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 
Title IX Notice Does the University of Memphis discriminate based on sex? Take a look at the University's notice regarding compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. 
Misrepresentation of Academic Credentials What happens if I tell the University that I have a degree that I don't have? Learn more about Misrepresentation of Academic Credentials in this Memorandum from the Department of Human Resources. 
Tennessee Advocacy for Honesty and Appropriate Spending Act What can I do about suspected misuse of taxpayer funding? Take a look at this notice about proper use of taxpayer moneys and learn how to report misuse. 
Tennessee Discrimination Poster Does the state of Tennessee offer any protections against discrimination? Review this poster from the Tennessee Human Rights Commission to learn more about anti-discrimination practices. 
Tennessee Workers Compensation (English/Spanish) What do I do if I get injured at work? This notice from the Tennessee Bureau of Workers' Compensation reviews what do to in the event of an injury. Learn more about the University of Memphis' practices here
Tennessee Hazardous Chemical Right-to-Know Can I be exposed to hazardous chemicals while at work? The Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration supports your right to a safe and healthful workplace. Learn more about what that means in this poster.


Other Helpful Resources

Mandatory Reporter Information (PDF) How do I determine if I am a mandatory reporter?
Disability Resources for Students How can I get help with accommodations as a student? Disability Resources for Students (DRS) arranges, coordinates and provides academic accommodations and support services for qualified students with disabilities.
University Police Services How do I contact the Police on campus? Police Services at the University of Memphis works hard to keep campus a safe place to work and learn. Use this link to find out more about the services they offer to the UofM community.
Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities Are there specific rules about how students should behave? Yes! Take a look at the Office of Student Accountability's Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities to learn more about the expectations for students of the University of Memphis.

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