Title VI

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 United States Code § 2000d) and Tennessee Code Annotated § 421-904 states, “Any entity receiving Federal financial assistance may not discriminate against their program beneficiaries or participants based on their color, national origin or race.” Facilities, programs and services sponsored by the University of Memphis are available to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. 

Title VI and Executive Order 13166 additionally require the University to take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to its programs, services and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). For additional information about the University’s LEP services, contact the Office for Institutional Equity.

If you think you have been discriminated against based on race, color or national origin in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, you can file a complaint with the University of Memphis Title VI Coordinator.

File a Discrimination Complaint >

University of Memphis Title VI Notice >

Title VI Training

The TBR Offices of the General Counsel and Human Resources are pleased to announce a System wide On-Line Title VI Training module. The package is now available on the TBR web page.

Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin. Because we take this seriously, we have developed this online System On-Line Training module. Employees shall be trained annually on the provisions of Title VI, beginning with fiscal year July 1, 2006. The training is mandatory for the following employees:

  1. Deans / Department Heads / Chairs
  2. Supervisors
  3. AA / EEO Officers
  4. HR Directors and their Staff
  5. All TBR Central Office employees
  6. New employees at any institution or the Central Office
  7. Title VI Coordinators
  8. All campus federal program administrators

Please let us know if you have any questions. To take Title VI Training click here:

Complete Title VI Training >