Loewenberg College of Nursing Student Ambassadors

The Loewenberg College of Nursing Student Ambassadors are a select group of nursing students chosen to represent LCON throughout the academic year. These dedicated students engage with prospective students, families, donors, and academic community partners while also assisting with various special events such as bi-weekly tours and student orientations. Through their leadership and commitment, LCON Ambassadors play a vital role in fostering community connections and supporting the college’s mission.

become a member icon Become an LCON Student Ambassador

To become an LCON Student Ambassador, students must maintain good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, have a solid understanding of the LCON undergraduate program admission requirements, and demonstrate strong leadership and communication skills. Ambassadors are expected to uphold a high standard of integrity and reliability and be comfortable presenting to large audiences.

Sign up to be an LCON Student Ambassador >

Officer election icon Benefits of Being an LCON Student Ambassador

As an LCON Student Ambassador, you'll gain valuable leadership and management experience, enhance your communication skills, and build a network of professional contacts. Ambassadors also receive the U of M TigerZone Digital Badging Leadership Professional Endorsement and have the opportunity to earn up to a $1,500 Student Ambassador Scholarship per semester.

memphis events icon Meet the LCON Student Ambassadors

Meet the dedicated students serving as LCON Ambassadors and explore their roles, responsibilities, and contact information.

View Ambassadors >

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