Apply to the RN-to-BSN Program

How to Apply

Step 1: Complete the UofM Global application and select Transfer or Readmit for the application type.

1: Apply to UofM >

Step 2: Select "Nursing RN-to-BSN" as your anticipated plan of study. List all colleges at which you have taken (or are taking) courses and earned college credit.

Step 3: Certify and submit an application. 

Deadlines to Apply

RN to BSN admissions are processed on a continuing basis.

Entry Semester Application Opens Application Deadline
Fall Continuous August 1
Spring Continuous January 1
Summer Continuous June 1

RN-to-BSN Admission Requirements

  • An earned Associate Degree in Nursing or Diploma from an institution accredited through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
  • Be admitted to the University of Memphis as a degree-seeking undergraduate student. 
  • Have an active, unencumbered RN license or be eligible for licensure.
  • Complete the UofM Global application for the RN to BSN program. 
  • Minimum cumulative college GPA of 2.5.
  • If transferring from another accredited nursing program, a letter of good academic standing from the Dean/Director of the previous nursing program is required.
  • Prerequisite Courses:
    • Anatomy and Physiology I w/Lab
    • Anatomy and Physiology II w/Lab
    • Microbiology w/Lab
    • English Comp. I
    • English Comp. II
    • Intro to Sociology or General Psychology
    • Nutrition
    • Any of the following Maths can be taken as the pre-requisite:
      • MATH 1420 - Foundations of Mathematics
      • MATH 1530 - Prob/Statistics/Non Calculus*
      • MATH 1710 - College Algebra
      • MATH 1730 - Pre-Calculus
      • MATH 1830 - Elementary Calculus
      • MATH 1910 - Calculus I
    • *MATH 1530 (Statistics) can satisfy the prerequisite and general education requirements. MATH 1530 will be required once admitted into the program if not already complete.
    • If seven years have lapsed since credit was earned in BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021 (Anatomy and Physiology), or BIOL 1230/BIOL 1231 (Microbiology), the content is considered outdated, and students are required to either repeat the course(s) or validate the currency of knowledge. Required validation of current science knowledge for RNs will occur through employer verification, repeating of course, and taking a higher-level science course in the same field.
  • General Education Requirements
    • In order to earn a BSN, students must complete the general education requirements for the University of Memphis. Many students are able to transfer most of the general education courses after completing an Associate’s Degree. However, the required credits may be completed within the four-year period.

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