Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing


"It's a beatiful day to save lives." grad cap


Program Highlights

exam clinic retention
90% NCLEX Pass Rate 300+
Clinical Affiliations
90%+ six year
Retention Rate



How to Apply to the Accelerated BSN Program

The Loewenberg College of Nursing Accelerated BSN program provides education and training for pre-licensure nursing students to receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and be eligible, upon graduation, to sit for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) required for registered nurse (RN) licensure. The curriculum is based on requirements of the Tennessee Board of Nursing (TBON), as well as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The program includes standard core content (pathophysiology, pharmacology, health assessment, foundational nursing skills, evidence-based practice), nursing and clinical content across the lifespan (maternity/OB, newborn, pediatrics, adult, older adult), and content on the profession (mental health, professional nursing, leadership and management, ethics, policy, and transition to practice). Printable Accelerated BSN degree sheet with sample curriculum > 

Four Traditional Semesters

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

NURS 3004: Intro to Pharm & Med Admin
NURS 3005: Intro Professional Nursing
NURS 3101/03: Health Assessment/Lab
 3105: Foundations of Patient-Center Care
NURS 3106: Foundational Nursing Skills
NURS 3400: Clinical Pathophysiology

NURS 3000: Pharmacology in Nursing
NURS 3127/9: Mental Health/Practicum
 3205/6: Nursing of the Adult I/Practicum                  
NURS 3217/9: Nursing/Childbearing Family/Practicum

Summer Semester

Fall Semester

NURS 3227/9: Pediatric Nursing/Practicum
 3305/6: Nursing of the Adult II/Practicum
NURS 4110: Evidence Based Practice in Nursing
NURS 4127/9: Community Health Nursing/Practicum

NURS 4001: Senior Seminar
 4205/6: Transitions into Professional Nursing/Practicum
NURS xxxx: Nurse Elective
NURS xxxx: Nurse Elective


Accelerated students achieve a second bachelor’s degree that includes four semesters of courses in the nursing major (60 credits). For detailed information about the Accelerated BSN program, including policies, course names and descriptions, visit the Undergraduate Catalog.

  1. Provide safe, compassionate, inclusive, high-quality nursing care across the lifespan and continuum of healthcare settings.
  2. Use evidence-based research, informatics, and technologies in nursing practice to improve the health of diverse populations.
  3. Explore the impact of social determinants of health, legal factors, and political factors that shape healthcare delivery and professional nursing practice.
  4. Communicate and collaborate effectively as a leader and member of interprofessional teams to impact healthcare delivery.
  5. Implement clinical prevention and health promotion strategies to improve patient and population health outcomes.
  6. Integrate personal and professional values and ethical principles into the design and delivery of person-centered care.
  7. Demonstrate practices that foster personal health, resilience, well-being, and lifelong learning to support the acquisition of nursing expertise and leadership.

  1. Apply theory and research-based knowledge from nursing, the arts, humanities, and other sciences, while demonstrating clinical judgment aligned with the nursing process and founded on a broad knowledge base across different practice care settings.
  2. Communicate effectively and compassionately in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of high quality, person-centered care using evidence-based nursing practice across the lifespan and the four spheres of care.
  3. Integrate public health principles related to population management in collaboration with a broad range of individuals, populations, and stakeholders to develop and evaluate community-based activities across a continuum of practice care services using a socioecological framework.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to access and critically appraise evidence-based studies for application to practice with diverse populations within different healthcare practice settings.
  5. Apply quality improvement principles that incorporate best practices in care delivery, contribute to a culture of patient safety, and support the development of strategies/interventions designed to mitigate unsafe environments in diverse settings and within the four spheres of care
  6. Collaborate with interprofessional team members, patients, families, communities, and other stakeholders across the four spheres of care in a professional, accurate, and timely manner using established tools and techniques to improve health outcomes.
  7. Describe organizational principles as they relate to equitable healthcare delivery across the life span of diverse populations and different practice care settings and the relationship between the organization, external systems, and payers.

  • Have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Note: The degree must be complete and not in progress at the time of application submission.  
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate college GPA of 2.75 is required. Please note that this GPA is found on the final transcript from the institution where the undergraduate degree was earned, and it cannot be recalculated once a previous degree has been obtained.
  • A minimum Nursing Program prerequisite GPA of 3.0 is required. This prerequisite GPA is determined by calculating the grades from the following eight courses. Each class must be completed with a "C" or higher.
    • CHEM 1010/1011 – Chemistry of Materials/Lab (or CHEM 1110/1111 – General Chemistry/Lab)
    • BIOL 2010/2011 – Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab
    • BIOL 2020/2021– Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab
    • BIOL 1230/1231 – Microbiology/Lab
    • MATH 1530 – Probability & Statistics (or equivalent)
    • NUTR 2202 – Nutrition
    • EDPR 2111 – Development Across Lifespan
    • PSYC 1030 – General Psychology

You may use a Pre-requisite GPA Calculator as a guide to calculate your current pre-requisite GPA before submitting a nursing application.


  • All listed courses must be completed with a “C” or better.
  • Only one Nursing Program Prerequisite course may be repeated only once, including labs. If repeated the second earned letter grade of the repeated course will be used in the prerequisite GPA calculation (regardless of if grade is higher or lower). The first letter grade for all remaining Nursing Program Prerequisite courses will be used in the prerequisite GPA calculation.
  • All General Education courses and Nursing Program prerequisite courses must be complete or in-progress when the application is submitted. 
  • A minimum of 60 hours must be complete prior to starting the Nursing Program.
  • Required documentation: (1) Resume; (1) Letter of Interest; (2) Reference Letter
  • Clearance of all high school deficiencies.
  • Science courses must be completed within five (5) years of LCON admission. In-person sciences are preferred.
  • Students transferring from another Nursing program must submit a letter of good standing from the Dean/Director of the previous Nursing program along with a transcript. Letters from the Registrar’s office will not be accepted.  Transfer applicants with less than a grade of “C” in a Nursing course will not be eligible. This includes repeated Nursing courses in which a grade above “C” was earned.
  • All transcripts from every college attended must be sent, received, and evaluated by UofM Admissions Office.
  • Applicants must be admitted to the UofM or an active UofM current student for the Term in which they wish to start LCON.

For the most current information regarding tuition, visit the University & Student Business Services.

Additional fees, including clinical practicum fees, materials fees, testing fees, and insurance fees will be required throughout the program. These fees are not included in the university fee schedule. Current fee rates can be found in the LCON Academic Bulletin.

Click here for more information on Tuition and Fees.

The nursing program application process is a two-step process.

Step 1

Prospective students, including freshmen, transfer, and second-degree students, are required to apply to the University of Memphis and select their major as Academic Focus-Health Professions. Upon designation, prospective students are categorized as pre-nursing and receive guidance from a pre-nursing advisor at the Academic Advising Center (AAC). To schedule an advising appointment, please contact the AAC at (901) 678-2062 or acc@memphis.edu. It is essential to meet all university admissions requirements and adhere to the University of Memphis's application deadline. Current UofM students and admitted transfer students who have met LCON’s admission criteria can proceed directly to Step 2, omitting this initial application step.


Step 2

Nursing Cas

Nursing Application

Loewenberg College of Nursing (LCON) participates in a Centralized Application Service for Nursing Programs (NursingCAS). Applicants applying to the Traditional BSN and Accelerated BSN program will apply on-line using the NursingCAS application. Search for University of Memphis Undergraduate Nursing Program to select the applicable program. Students must submit the NursingCAS application by 10:59 p.m. CST on the day of the deadline. Students must pay anon-refundable $60 application fee. Applications that are “in-progress” status are considered incomplete and will not be reviewed for admission. Please visit  NursingCAS Application to complete LCON’s online application. For assistance with completing the application, click here NursingCAS Application Walkthrough.

Transcripts Process

Transfer Students

 If you are currently attending a college or university other than University of Memphis, you must:

  1. Submit an official transcript for all colleges attended to University of Memphis Admission's Office AND NursingCAS.
  2. List all courses in-progress on the nursing application.
  3. Applicants who have prerequisite and/or general courses in-progress at the time the application is submitted, are required to submit an updated transcript at the end of the semester to NursingCAS and University of Memphis Admission's Office documenting your final grades. Official transcripts are not to be sent to Loewenberg College of Nursing Admission.

Current UofM Students

  1. If you are currently taking courses at University of Memphis only, you will need to submit an official UofM transcript to NursingCAS only. Loewenberg College of Nursing Admissions can view all courses taken at University of Memphis.
  2. List all courses in-progress on the nursing application.
  3. Applicants who have prerequisite and/or general courses in-progress at the time the application is submitted, are required to submit an updated transcript at the end of the semester to NursingCAS only documenting your final grades.

Program Materials

  1. Upload a personal statement and resume in the Documents section of NursingCAS.
  2. Upload 2 letters of recommendation in the Reference section NursingCAS.

Please note: Once you have saved an electronic reference, an email request will automatically be sent to the referrer on your behalf. Please advise your referrer to look for this email in their inbox, as well as their spam or junk-mail folder, as emails do occasionally get filtered out.

Deadlines to Apply

Entry Semester Application Opens Application Deadline
Fall Admission September 15 March 15 
Spring Admission June 1 October 1

All required documents should be uploaded with your program application in NursingCAS by 10:59 PM CST on the deadline date. Applications can only be verified once all payments, transcripts, and documents have been received. To ensure your application is verified on time, try to complete your application at least four weeks before the deadline.

All application decisions will be sent to memphis.edu email addresses or email address listed on application six (6) weeks after the application deadline has passed.

Norma Neal
Norma Neal

Academic Service Coordinator II
Undergraduate Nursing Program 

Danielle Gunter
Dr. Daielle Gunter

Undergraduate Programs Director 

Jeremy Whittaker
Dr. Jeremy N. Whittaker
Associate Dean for
Student Success and Inclusion


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