Task Force Established to Revise College's Promotion and Tenure Policy

To enhance the effectiveness and quality of the University of Memphis Loewenberg College of Nursing (LCON), Dean Linda Haddad has formed a task force to undertake a comprehensive review and revision of the college's Promotion and Tenure Policy and Criteria. Dean Linda Haddad recognizes the evolving landscape of academia and the need to align faculty expectations with contemporary standards.

“The purpose of this task force is to review and update the existing 10-year-old college promotion and Tenure criteria,” stated Dean Haddad in an email sent to the faculty.

The task force, spearheaded by co-chairs Drs. Lean Lefler and Annapoorna Mary are entrusted with the significant responsibility of evaluating and updating the existing promotion and tenure criteria, which have remained unchanged for a decade. The primary objective is to ensure that the criteria reflect current best practices and are consistent with the University’s promotion and tenure criteria.

The task force includes eight (8) experienced faculty members. The team members include:

  1. Leanne Lefler - Co-Chair
  2. Annapoorna Mary - Co-Chair
  3. Sohye Lee - Member
  4. Dana El Hajj - Member
  5. Tracy Collins - Member
  6. Paulette Palmer - Member
  7. Danielle Gunter - Member
  8. Shkendie Papraniku - Member

The task force's multifaceted responsibilities include:

Criteria Review: Thoroughly examine the existing promotion and tenure criteria while considering current trends in peer institutions and the University's own promotion and tenure standards.

Identification of Gaps: Identifying areas within the current criteria that may require modification, refinement, or expansion to align with the evolving academic landscape.

Research and Alignment: Conduct extensive research to ensure that the proposed revisions align with the strategic plans of both the University of Memphis and LCON.

Collaboration: Conduct constructive discussions and deliberations with the dean's office to shape and fine-tune the proposed updates.

Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with faculty members, division directors, and other stakeholders to gather input and address concerns.

Report Drafting: Preparing a comprehensive report outlining the revised tenure and promotion criteria.

Recommendations: Present the task force's recommendations to the appropriate College faculty council and committees for review and approval.

This task force is committed to maintaining excellence in education and ensuring its faculty members are well-supported in pursuing academic advancement. The task force committee will finalize the Promotion and Tenure Policy revisions by February 2024.

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