Dr. Linda Haddad named Dean of the Loewenberg College of Nursing

Loewenberg College of Nursing DeanDr. Linda Haddad has been named dean of the Loewenberg College of Nursing, effective Aug. 1. 

Dr. Haddad is an Irwin Belk distinguished professor and currently the director of the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (NCW). Prior to joining UNCW, Dr. Haddad served as the associate dean for academic affairs at the University of Florida College of Nursing, the dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)., the director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Health and Development, and the deputy director of the JUST-affiliated King Abdullah University Hospital.

A native of Jordan, she has extensive experience with international health initiatives through consulting and working on projects to help train medical professionals and improve community health in the Middle East. She is a productive scholar with an extensive portfolio of publications and grant awards. Her research focuses on tobacco cessation among minority groups, and her background is in community and public health nursing.

Dr. Haddad is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and a member of the Society on Research for Nicotine and Tobacco, Sigma Theta Tau International, and the Board of Commissioners for the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation.

Dr. Haddad earned a doctor of philosophy in nursing from the University of Maryland, a master’s of nursing science from the University of Pennsylvania, and a bachelor of science in nursing from Jordan University.

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