LCON Scholarships

The Loewenberg College of Nursing is grateful for our many alumni and friends who are committed to the education of professional nurses. More than a dozen scholarships and loans exist to support the education of LCON students.

All undergraduate and graduate nursing students are encouraged to apply for a nursing scholarship each year through Tiger Scholarship Manager. Scholarship applications for the following academic year are accepted from early November to late January. To apply for a Nursing Scholarship, log in to your myMemphis portal, click on the "Account$" tab, locate "Scholarship Office Channel" and click on "Tiger Scholarship Manager." 

For more information, please contact the Loewenberg College of Nursing at 901-678-2003. The LCON nursing scholarships include:

Allene Farris Memorial Scholarship

The late William "Bill" W. Farris, a prominent Memphis attorney and member of the State Board of Regents, established the Allene Farris Memorial Scholarship fund in memory of his sister. Miss Farris was a Nursing student in the Methodist Hospital School of Nursing when she contracted meningitis from a patient and passed away in 1941. Recipients of the Allene Farris Memorial Scholarship must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, with preference for applicants who are permanent residents of Dyer County, Tennessee.

Colonel James K. and Mary McCurdy Scholarship

This award was established for deserving students who are pursuing a career in nursing.

David Santucci Scholarship

Nelson Glenn and friends of David Santucci established the Operation Tucci Fund in recognition of his short and exemplary nursing career. David Santucci graduated from the LCON BSN program in 2013 and was employed as a Registered Nurse at Methodist Hospital in Memphis. On August 13, 2013 David was tragically murdered during an attempted robbery. The fund provides students selected by the LCON Student Nurses' Association with money to pay for the NCLEX licensing exam.

Eunice ElDoris Jordan Scholarship

Mr. W. C. "Buddy" Jordan, son of Mrs. Eunice ElDoris Jordan, established the Eunice ElDoris Jordan Scholarship to honor is mother, who raised six children before returning to the classroom to pursue her Nursing degree. After becoming an RN, Mrs. Jordan's Nursing career lasted only two years before she passed away unexpectedly. Recipients of the Eunice ElDoris Jordan Scholarship must be enrolled in the Loewenberg College of Nursing, with preference for applicants who are either first-time students or returning adult students.

Fredrika and Joel Felt Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

This award is used at the Dean's discretion to provide support for students in good academic standing who – due to unforeseen, unique or extenuating circumstances – require additional financial support to continue their studies, and who may or may not qualify for other types of financial aid. Open to MSN students.

Glazer Family Foundation Scholarship in Nursing

Dr. Louis and Melanie Glazer, parents of 1996 alumnus Robert Glazer, established the Glazer Family Foundation Scholarship in 2004 to recognize and support deserving and qualified students pursuing a degree in Nursing at the University of Memphis. The recipient of the Glazer Family Foundation Scholarship must have a B/3.0 grade average and be enrolled as a full-time Nursing student.

Goddard Foundation Scholarship

Mr. Stewart Goddard, father of 2010 alumna Courtney Goddard, established the Goddard Foundation Scholarship in 2010 to recognize and support students enrolled in the Loewenberg College of Nursing at the University of Memphis. Recipients must be in good academic standing, and show evidence of community involvement and financial need.

Hal and Teresa Freeman Nursing Scholarship for Veterans (Lambuth Campus)

Hal and Teresa Freeman established this endowed scholarship that truly spoke to their hearts and combined both of their careers and passions. Hal spent seven years in the US Navy aboard the USS Woodrow Wilson nuclear submarine and deployed on twenty-two patrols. He currently serves as the Veteran Liaison for the Univeristy of Memphis Lambuth where he talks with veterans daily and knows the struggles they have continuing their education and starting a new life after their military service is done. Teresa has been a registered nurse for thirty years and is currently the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer at West Tennessee Healthcare. She is keenly aware of the critical need for more qualified nurses to enter the workforce. This scholarship supports veterans of the United States Armed Forces and/or their dependents who are enrolled in the Loewenberg College of Nursing program at the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus. Recipients of the award must demonstrate financial need after a review of the student’s Free Application for Federal Students Aid (FAFSA) form. The award will cover not only tuition and fees, but also any other education expenses (i.e. books, supplies, etc.).

Jackson-Madison County General Hospital Nursing Scholarship

This award is in consideration of the desire of West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation to support deserving students at the University of Memphis Lambuth. Recipients of the scholarship must be admitted into the LCON and pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or RN-BSN degree at the University of Memphis Lambuth. Primary consideration shall be given for residents of Jackson or Madison County, TN. Secondary consideration shall be given to residents of the TN counties of Gibson, Henderson, Carroll, Chester, Hardeman, Haywood, and Crockett. Additionally, preference shall be given to (1) dependents of current West Tennessee Healthcare ("WTH") employees; (2) dependents of retired WTH employees; (3) WTH volunteers or dependents of WTH volunteers; then (4) applicants without a current WTH affiliation who meet all other criteria.

Jean McIvor Memorial Scholarship

Mr. Robert McIvor, husband of former Professor Jean McIvor, has established a memorial scholarship to support deserving students at the University of Memphis. Recipients of the Jean McIvor Memorial Scholarship must have a GPA of at least 3.25, be pursuing a BSN degree, and plan to pursue a career in pediatric nursing.

Kelly Leanna Smith Pediatric Nursing Scholarship

Travis E. Smith and his granddaughter, Kaci Billings, established this scholarship in memory of his daughter, Kelly. This fund supports deserving students in the Loewenberg College of Nursing at the University of Memphis who have expressed an interest in pediatric nursing.

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship

The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation devotes most of its resources to the Lettie Pate Whitehead scholarship program. Annual grants are made to accredited educational institutions in nine specific states, of which Tennessee is one. While most of the Lettie Pate Whitehead scholarships go toward undergraduate higher education, the Foundation maintains a special interest in health education. A significant number of its scholarships support education in the medical, nursing, and allied health fields. (Information taken directly from the Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation: History, Program, and Administration brochure). Open to MSN students.

Lourene P. Fleming BSN Scholarship

In consideration of the desire of Dr. Julian G. Fleming to support deserving students at the University of Memphis, this award shall be used to provide need-based tuition assistance for one or more students enrolled at the University Of Memphis College Of Nursing. Recipients must demonstrate financial need as determined by the University of Memphis after reviewing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at the time of their selection. Students must remain in good standing with the University and LCON in order to maintain the scholarship for the following year.

Master Medical Equipment Scholarship

Mark and Jill Taylor, owners of Master Medical Equipment, were taught to love others and show compassion to those in need. Those principles have been the guiding force in life and what they credit for their thriving medical equipment business. Mark and Jill Taylor established the Master Medical Equipment Nursing Scholarship for students admitted into the RN to BSN program because they want to support the men and women in the nursing profession because they are bred to be of the same mindset.

“We at MME work hard to grow compassionate people and we hope that this contribution will enable someone the opportunity to thrive within this noble profession.” ~ Jill Taylor

Nancy J. Koch and Minda Y. Agustin Memorial Scholarship in Nursing

The Nancy J. Koch and Minda Y. Agustin Memorial Scholarship in Nursing was established by Robert W. Yates in memory of his sister Nancy J. Koch and to express gratitude and appreciation for Minda Y. Austin, who provided care to his family. Minda came to the U.S. from the Philippines during the national nursing shortage of the early 1970s and served as an ER nurse in Osceola, Arkansas. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate student(s) in the junior or senior year with no less than a 3.25 GPA. The student must maintain the GPA to continue eligibility for the award, which has to be reapplied for yearly. Preference is given to those interested in intensive care or cardiac care nursing. Financial need may be considered but is not necessarily a determining factor. 

Ralph Levy Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Janet A. Levy, along with her brother Ralph Levy III and his wife Dede Coughlin, established this scholarship in honor of their father, Ralph Levy Jr. Their generous endowment was also made to express their deep appreciation for the outstanding relationships between the Levy family and members of the African American community in Memphis who provided nurturing and compassionate long-term care to the Levy family in their times of greatest need. This scholarship supports underrepresented students in the Loewenberg College of Nursing who attended a public high school within the Memphis, Tennessee city limits. Recipients must remain in good academic standing with the University of Memphis and with the Loewenberg College of Nursing, and must demonstrate financial need at the time of their selection.

Raymond A. Bratcher and Maxine E. Ritchey Bratcher Scholarship

The late Raymond A. Bratcher and Maxine E. Ritchey Bratcher provided scholarships for deserving nursing students through their estate plans.

Regina Montesi Memorial Scholarship

This award was established as a tribute to Regina M. Montesi for her dedication and unselfishness to her friends and to her patients. This scholarship is to assist a student who is trying to accomplish the completion of a baccalaureate in nursing. Registered Nurses (from either a diploma school or associate degree program) who are attending the University of Memphis Loewenberg College of Nursing's RN to BSN program are eligible. A minimum overall GPA of 2.5 is required. Two letters of recommendation must be submitted by each applicant - one letter from the school at which the student received RN training, and one letter from the student's current supervisor.

Ronnie Price Nursing Fund

Mr. Bill Koeneman, family member and friend of Mr. Ronnie Price, established the Ronnie Price Nursing Fund to support deserving Nursing students accepted to or enrolled in the Loewenberg College of Nursing at the University of Memphis. Recipients must be graduates of Bartlett High School or Bolton High School in Shelby County, Tennessee, and must meet the University's minimum grade point average for scholarships. Recipients may renew this scholarship for up to two years, subject to funding availability and the discretion of the Dean of the Loewenberg College of Nursing.

Saint Francis Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship in Nursing

The Saint Francis Hospital Auxiliary established the Saint Francis Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship in Nursing in 1999 to support deserving students in the Loewenberg College of Nursing. Recipients of the scholarship must be accepted into the LCON and enrolled as full-time students in the University of Memphis. Additionally, recipients must have Junior year standing and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Recipients may receive this award for a maximum of two years if all eligibility requirements continue to be met.

Sharon Leslie Hansard Memorial Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hansard established the Sharon Leslie Hansard Memorial Scholarship in 1975 in memory of their daughter, Sharon Leslie Hansard. Recipients of the Sharon Leslie Hansard Memorial Scholarship must be in-state or out-of-state students enrolled in the University of Memphis Loewenberg College of Nursing. Recipients may continue to receive this scholarship in subsequent years as long as the requirements are met and the award is used for meeting fees, tuition expenses, books, and uniforms.

William and Ruth Loewenberg Scholarship

This award is used at the Dean's discretion to provide support for students in good academic standing who – due to unforeseen, unique or extenuating circumstances – require additional financial support to continue their studies, and who may or may not qualify for other types of financial aid. Open to MSN students.

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