Sohye Lee, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor

(901) 678-2003
Dr. Sohye Lee

Professional Overview

Dr. Sohye Lee joined the faculty at the Loewenberg College of Nursing in 2017. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from Ajou University in South Korea and a PhD in Nursing from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

Dr. Lee's research is dedicated to advancing health equity in chronic disease prevention, with a particular focus on cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and obesity among underserved and racial/ethnic minority populations. Her work emphasizes technology-based interventions in community settings to enhance health outcomes. With a clinical background in cardiovascular nursing, she has also volunteered with a women's cardiac support group at the Minneapolis Heart Institute.

Her previous research examined obesity as a key risk factor for CVD, leading to the development of a weight-management program integrating mobile technology and peer group support for African American women. As a senior research coordinator at the University of Minnesota, she contributed to the development and testing of an innovative model aimed at reducing heart disease and stroke risk among African American men. Additionally, as a graduate research assistant, she worked on a study evaluating a mobile text-messaging intervention to promote breast cancer screening among Korean-American immigrant women.

Dr. Lee’s current research continues to address chronic disease risk reduction in racial and ethnic minority populations. She utilizes emerging technologies, including mobile health (mHealth) and artificial intelligence (AI), to develop and implement community-based interventions aimed at improving health equity and outcomes.

  • PhD - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2017)
  • BSN - Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea (2007)

  • Cardiology
  • Chronic disease
  • Community/​population health
  • Health literacy
  • Immigrants
  • Informatics
  • Obesity
  • Research methods
  • Technology
  • Underserved populations
  • Vulnerable and marginalized populations


• Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association, Member, 2023 - Present
• Global Korean Nursing Foundation, Member, 2021 - Present
•  American Academy of Nursing, Member, 2018 - Present
• American Association of College of Nursing, Member, 2017 - Present 
• National League of Nursing, Member, 2017 - Present
• Southern Nursing Research Society, Member, 2017 - Present 
• Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), Beta Theta at-Large Chapter, Member, 2017- 2019
• American Heart Association, Member, 2016 - Present 
• Midwest Nursing Research Society, Member, 2013 - 2019
• IRB Committee, University of Memphis, Member, 2021 - Present

  • Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nursing Faculty, The Daisy Foundation (2021)

• †Lee, S., Singarella, I., Bertz, C., Hicks, K., Elswick, S., Jin, S.W., Williams-Click, Y. & Howard, J. (2024) Community health information needs assessment in the mid-south region of the United States indicates new roles for public libraries. Health Information and Libraries Journal. Advance online publication. 
•†^Augusta, T., Mary, A., Lee, S., Fawaz, A., Woodbury-Moore. (2024). Spirituality, self-efficacy, and medication use in African American women with hypertension: Beyond the prescriptions. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. Advance online publication. 
• *^Abdelaziz, O., Lee, S., Howard, S., Lefler, L. (2025). Perceptions and attitudes of nursing students and registered nurses towards advanced technology: A review of literature. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 43(3):e01221. 
• ^Park, H., Lee, S., Haward, S., Yi, J. (2024). Technology-based music intervention to reduce anxiety and pain among patients undergoing surgery or procedures: Systematic review of literature. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12:e48802. 
• Pleshkan, V., Lee., S. (2024). Nursing students’ transition to scholar: Embedded writing tutor in an undergraduate nursing research course. Journal of Nursing Education, 63(6):409. 
• Heo, S., Kang, J., Umeakunne E., Lee, S., Bertulfo, T., Barbe, T., Kim, J., Black, V., An, M., Randolph, J. (2023). Effects of meditation intervention on self-management in adult patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 38(6), 581-592. 
• †Jin, S. W., Lee, Y., Lee, S., Jin, H., & Brandt, H. M. (2023). Factors associated with college students’ Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and preferred strategies for catch-up vaccine promotion: A mixed-methods study. Vaccines, 11(6), 1124. 
• *†Lee, S., Pantik, C., Duggirala, S.B., Lindquist, R. (2022). A comparison between self-reported and investigator-measured cardiovascular risk-related biometric numbers. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(8), 724-733. 
• *†Lee, S., Hadidi, N., Lindgren, B., Kelley, R., & Lindquist, R. (2022). Peer group support intervention to reduce cardiovascular disease risk for African American Men according to Life’s Simple 7 in faith-based communities. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 36(3), 280-300. 
• †Lee, M. H., Farr, D., & Lee, S. (2022). Korean American immigrant women’s perceived breast cancer risk and prevention beliefs: A qualitative study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 33(3), 306-313. 
• *Lee, S. & Pleshkan, V. (2022). Collaborative group writing in nursing research courses: Role assignment and peer evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education, Syllabus Selection, 61(4), 224. 
• Sasser, J., Gill, M., Wilson, J., Lee, S., & Richardson, T. (2021). College of Nursing–Sponsored Research Forum to promote student scholarship development. Journal of Nursing Education, Syllabus Selection, 60(3), 183-184. 
• †Jin, S., Lee, S., & Ahn, S. (2021). Is colorectal cancer screening associated with stages of weight control among Korean Americans aged 50–75 years old? Implications for weight control practice. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 8(4), 1026-1034. [SCI/Impact factor: 2.192]
• *†Lee, S., Lindquist, R., Schorr, E., Chi, C., & Treat-Jacobson, D. (2020). Development, implementation, and participant evaluation of combining text messaging and peer group support in a weight management programme for African-American women. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(5), 475-491. 
• †Jin, S.W., Lee, J., & Lee, S. (2019). Analyzing factors associated with decisional stage of adoption for colorectal cancer screening among older Korean Americans using precaution adoption process model. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 30(5), 461-470. [SCI/SSCI/Impact factor: 1.959]
• †Lee, H. Y., Lee, M. H., Sharratt, M., Lee, S., & Blaes, A. (2019). Development of a mobile health intervention to promote Papanicolaou tests and human papillomavirus vaccination in an underserved immigrant population: A culturally targeted and individually tailored text messaging approach. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(6), e13256.
• *†Lee, S., Schorr, E., Hadidi, N., Kelley, R., Treat-Jacobson, D., & Lindquist, R. (2018). Power of peer support to change health behavior to reduce risks for heart disease and stroke for African American men in a faith-based community. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 5(5), 1107-1116. 
• *†Lee, S., Schorr, E., Chi, C-L., Treat-Jacobson, D., Mathiason, M. A., & Lindquist, R. (2018). Peer group and text message-based weight-loss and management intervention for African-American women. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 40(8), 1203-1219. 
• *Lee, S., & Lindquist, R. (2015). A review of technology-based interventions to maintain weight loss. Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(3), 1-17. [SCI/Impact factor: 3.536]
• †Park, J., Kim, N., Kim, Y., Lee, S., Jung, M., Jung, S., Hwang, Y., *Bang, K. S. (2009). Internet obsession and parent-child attachment in 5th and 6th grade students. Korean Parent-Child Health Journal, 12(1), 25-37. [Undergraduate Thesis]
† Data-based 
^ Mentored

  • Development of an AI-Powered Messaging Intervention for Cardiovascular Health Promotion

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