Melanie Jacobs, MSN, RN, CNE
Clinical Associate Professor
(901) 678-4102

Professional Overview
Professor Jacobs entered nursing education with extensive experience as a bedside nurse in critical care, emergency department, and post-transplant settings. As a clinical professor, her interests include active learning strategies in the large classroom, special learning needs of first semester nursing students, and minority nursing student experience in nursing education. She served as Vice-President for Sigma Beta-Theta At-Large Chapter from 2016 - 2019 and is currently a doctoral student in Educational Psychology and Research.
- MSN - University of Memphis (2012)
- BSN - Arkansas Tech University (1982)
- Acute care
- Holistic care
- Nursing education
- Research methods
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- Southern Nursing Researcher Society
- Certified Nurse Educator 2019
- Excellence in Service Sigma Theta Tau International Beta-Theta At-Large Chapter 2019
- Phi Kappa Phi Inductee 2018
- Daisy Faculty Award 2017
- Outstanding MSN-Education Graduate 2012
- Jacobs, M. D. (2021). A way out of no way: Minority nursing student COVID-19 experiences. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Program of Educational Psychology and Research, University of Memphis.
- Jacobs, M. D., & Sasser, J. T. (2021). Impostor phenomenon in undergraduate nursing students: A pilot study of prevalence and patterns. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(6), 329–332.
- Jacobs, M., & Howard, S. (2017). The impact of simulation training in different settings. APHON Counts, 31(1), 12.