Brad Harrell, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC
Assistant Dean for Community Partnerships and Practice | Clinical Professor

Professional Overview
Dr. Brad Harrell is a Clinical Professor, Assistant Dean of Nursing at Lambuth and the Interim Associate Dean of Academic Program in the Loewenberg College of Nursing. He teaches nursing care for adult populations and in the graduate nurse educator concentration. Dr. Harrell's primary scholarship, in addition to professional practice, focuses on health disparities among sexual and gender minorities – especially LGBT+ individuals. He continues his work on abdominal compartment syndrome, for which he is one of two editors for the first international nursing textbook on the topic.
Dr. Harrell regularly presents to groups on topics in critical care nursing, adult health nursing, advanced nursing practice, LGBT health, and health policy. He served as District 1 and District 12 President in the Tennessee Nurses Association. He recently completed a term on American Nurses Credentialing Center's Content Expert Panel and serves internationally as a nurse researcher with the WSACS-the Abdominal Compartment Society. He serves as a member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group and was a member of the steering committee for developing this as an AACN Leadership Network. He currently serves as a Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) Program Evaluator.
Dr. Harrell is an experienced acute care nurse practitioner who practices as part of the medical consult team at Western Mental Health Institute in Bolivar, TN.
- Doctor of Nursing Practice in Acute/Critical Care Nursing - University of Tennessee Health Science Center - 2009
- Master of Science in Nursing in Nursing Education - University of Memphis - 2006
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing - University of Memphis - 2003
- Acute care
- Adult health
- Chronic disease
- Emergency medicine
- Faculty practice
- Health policy
- Informatics
- LGBTQ populations and health
- Nursing education
- Simulation
- Technology
- Underserved populations
- Vulnerable and marginalized populations
- American Nurses Association
- Tennessee Nurses Association
- World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
- Daisy Faculty Award - 2018
- National Health Service Corps - 2017-2019
- Presidents' Membership Award, TNA - 2017
- Harrell, B. and Sasser, J. (2018). Sexual and gender minority health: Nursing's overdue
coming out. International Journal of Nursing
Studies, 79. A1-A4. - Harrell, B. & Miller, S. (2017). Abdominal compartment syndrome as a complication
of fluid resuscitation. Nursing Clinics of North
America, 52(2). 331-338. - Lefave, M., Harrell, B., Wright, M. (2016). Analysis of Cricoid Pressure Force and Technique Among Anesthesiologists, Nurse Anesthetists, and Registered Nurses. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 31(3). 237-244.
- Harrell, B. & Melander, S. (2012). Identifying the Association Among Risk Factors
and Mortality in Trauma Patients with Intra-
Abdominal Hypertension and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 19(3). 182-189.
- LGBT Health and NP Workforce Development
- Rural Healthcare Education Program Grants