Join the Mighty Sound of the South Marching Band

All students at the University of Memphis are invited to audition for The University of Memphis Marching Band, the Mighty Sound of the South. The Mighty Sound is one of the largest student organizations on campus. It includes students with diverse interests enrolled in programs of study that span every college at the University of Memphis. We also welcome students who are enrolled in local community colleges to audition.
As a student in the Mighty Sound of the South, you will gain access to scholarships and out-of-state tuition waivers, travel to exciting locations in support of our athletic teams, be part of a rich university and band tradition, engage in meaningful music-making, and regularly perform for audiences in the tens of thousands. All of this while forging relationships that will last a lifetime.
Joining the band is simple and is laid out in a few simple steps below. For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions or contact our band office at (901) 678-BAND, or mightysound@memphis.edu

Let's get started, Tiger.

1 – Fill out an Interest Form 

The first step in joining the Mighty Sound of the South is to fill out the interest form. This form tells us some basic facts about you, including your contact information, which will allow us to update you on important dates and information.

2 – Apply to the University of Memphis

Incoming freshmen and transfer students should apply for admission to the University. If you are interested in the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music, there is a separate application.

If you are attending a local community college and are interested in being in the University of Memphis Marching Band, there is a simple way to do this. Please get in touch with the band office for more information (901) 678-BAND, mightysound@memphis.edu.

3 – Audition

Each student in the Mighty Sound of the South must complete an audition by video submission or scheduling a conference. The content of the audition is different for each section of the band. Please see below for more detail.

4 – Register for the course

All students in the Mighty Sound of the South must register for the course Marching Band – MUAP 2002, which you can do once you have been admitted to the University. Marching Band is a two-credit course, and rehearsals are held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 3:30 - 5:30 PM. Be sure to register as soon as you can help avoid scheduling conflicts.
Dr. Will Plenk
Associate Director of Bands
Director of Athletic Bands

Mighty Sound of the South 2023-2024 Audition Information

Playing auditions are not required for woodwind and brass players who have participated in their high school bands. All we require is that you schedule an intake meeting so we can get to know you, explain the essential points of band participation, and answer any questions you may have. Intake meetings are held throughout the spring and into the summer. You can meet us in person on campus, through Zoom, or by phone – whatever best suits your circumstances. To schedule an intake meeting, email mightysound@memphis.edu or call (901) 678-BAND.

Monday Night Drumline Class:

In preparation for drumline auditions, we offer a free class every Monday night during the spring semester, from 7:30 to 9 PM, in the Communication and Fine Arts Building (CFA), Room 137. The classes are not mandatory to become a drumline member but are highly encouraged, as we will work on the 2023 exercises and audition pieces. We only have a limited number of drums and want everyone that comes to be able to play the entire time, so we ask that you bring your instrument if you are able. Free parking will be available in the lot on Central Avenue. You can view the location of the building and the parking lot on the campus map https://umwa.memphis.edu/campusmap/index.php. For more information or a digital copy of the music, contact Michael Todd at michael.a.l.todd@gmail.com.


Auditions for the drumline will be held on Saturday, April 29, from 9 AM to 5 PM in the Communication and Fine Arts building, room 137, on the University of Memphis campus. The audition will consist of playing in a complete battery setting during the morning, with individual auditions conducted in the afternoon. All material needed for the audition is compiled in a packet, which can be obtained by emailing Michael Todd at michael.a.l.todd@gmail.com. You should be prepared to mark time with all exercises.

You may submit a video audition if you cannot attend the audition day. The video should include all audition material, must be played on a drum with a metronome, and must be able to see your feet, hands, and face. A link to your video audition should be sent to Michael Todd before 5 PM on April 29 - michael.a.l.todd@gmail.com.

For an electronic copy of the audition packet and answers to any questions regarding the drumline and/or drumline auditions, please get in touch with Michael Todd at michael.a.l.todd@gmail.com.

Auditions for the Colorguard will be held on Saturday, April 29, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Elma Roane Field House on the University of Memphis campus. To sign up for the audition and for additional information, please email uofmguard@gmail.com. If you cannot attend the audition on April 29, a video audition may be accepted.

In addition to the fall semester, the University of Memphis Colorguard is also active in the spring as a competitive winter guard. For more information, please email uofmguard@gmail.com.

The University of Memphis Tigerettes are looking for talented twirlers who can entertain large crowds using charisma and personality. In addition to being a vital part of Mighty Sound of the South performances, Tigerettes are considered ambassadors for our university, and our members must embody the pride and tradition of our institution. If you have what it takes to be a Tigerette, please email the Tigerettes director, Suzanne Jackson, at srhjackson@comcast.net before April 1, 2023.

Mighty Sound of the South Interest Form

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