Scheidt Music Extension Programs

Unlock your musical potential and knowledge with Scheidt Music Extension Program! We welcomes musicians and music lovers of all ages and levels to join supportive classes and ensembles led by the expert instructors.

FALL 2025 Offerings TBA

strings icon

Strings Project

The Strings Program is open to students grades 3-6 who are beginners on violin, viola, and cello. Students will learn how to read music and play their instrument from experts.

Course Descriptions + Details

Strings Project

When: TBA
Cost: $275 for 10, 2-hour classes
Instructor: TBA


Discover the joy of strings with The String Project: open to beginner students grades 3-6 in violin, viola, and cello. Classes at the String Project offer tailored instruction to meet each instrument's unique technique requirements. With small class sizes, students receive personalized attention to thrive on their string instruments. Led by University of Mempis music performance and music education students, supervised by the String Project Master Teacher, these classes provide a supportive environment for students to flourish. Additionally, students participate in weekly ensemble experiences, refining their skills collaboratively under the guidance of the Master Teacher.

The first hour will be individualized instrument group lessons and the second hour will combine all three instrument types. This program meets at the University of Memphis main campus on Saturdays from 9-11 AM

Students must provide their own instrument.

Registration TBA.



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