Meet Our Orff Summer Institute Faculty

Level I
Dr. Ellen Koziel >

Level I

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Level II
Dena Byers >

Level II

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Level III
Dr. Michael Chandler >

Level III

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Ashley Brown Woodside >

+ Orff Schulwerk

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Allen Moody >

+ Orff Schulwerk

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Doug Goodkin >


The Jazz Course >

Ellen Koziel – Basic, Level I

Ellen Koziel recently retired, having taught music for over forty years at both elementary and collegiate levels.  Dr. Koziel served as a mentor teacher for music student teachers at the University of Memphis as well as Orff music specialists in Shelby County Schools. A member of the development team and peer reviewer for the Tennessee Fine Arts Teacher Evaluation Portfolio, the Tennessee Music Education Association awarded her the Tennessee Music Education Hall of Fame award in 2017. A National Board-certified teacher since 2005, she was awarded the Rotary Award for Teacher Excellence in 2007. She has taught Level I, Level II and recorder at the University of Memphis training course as well as recorder for the Gwinnett County course near Atlanta. Ellen was the first General Music Chairperson for the Tennessee Music Education Association where she proposed, developed and chaired the first Tennessee Treble Choir event. While president of the West Tennessee General Music Education Association in 1993, she spearheaded the establishment of the West Tennessee Festival Chorus. She also served two terms as president of the Memphis Chapter, AOSA and has presented sessions at the local, state and national level.

Dena Byers – Level II

Dena Byers teaches K-5 music with the Durham Public Schools, in Durham, North Carolina and also serves as the Lead Elementary Music Teacher for the district. She assists in the coordination of district events and professional development for her colleagues. Dena is also the Artistic Director of the Durham Children's Choir. She received her Bachelor's degree from the University of Connecticut and her Master's degree from the University of Minnesota. A National Board Certified teacher since 2005, Dena has presented at several AOSA Professional Development Conferences as well as for Orff chapters across the country. She served as a Region IV Representative on the AOSA National Board of Trustees from 2006-2009. She has taught Level I basic pedagogy in Orff Schulwerk courses at Southern Methodist University in Texas, Samford University in Alabama, Baker University in Kansas, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Additionally, she has conducted All-State Honor Choirs in Mississippi and Tennessee as well as several all-county honors choruses in North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia and Florida and was the recipient of the 2010 Jackson Parkhurst award as an outstanding North Carolina Music Educator.

Michael Chandler - Basic, Level III

Michael Chandler is currently an Associate Professor of Music and Coordinator of Music Education at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in music education and supervises student teachers. Dr. Chandler taught elementary general music in Texas public schools for 16 years, where his student groups performed as invited ensembles at the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) conference in 2013, 2007, and 2005. He was a collaborative pianist for the Children’s Chorus of Greater Dallas for 10 years and is the current founding conductor of the Clarksville Children’s Chorus, which was recently featured as an invited choir at the 65th annual convention of the Tennessee Music Educators Association. Michael teaches all three levels of Orff Schulwerk basic pedagogy and recorder in AOSA-approved teacher education courses at the University of Memphis (TN), Southern Methodist University (Dallas), and in the San Francisco International Orff Course. His work has appeared in The Southwestern Musician, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, The Orff Echo, and Orff-Schulwerk International.

Ashley Brown Woodside, Movement, Levels I, II, III

Ashley Brown Woodside is dedicated to exploring the interplay of creative dance and music education. She is an accomplished dancer and saxophone player with a Bachelor’s in Music Education from Syracuse University and a Master’s in Liberal Studies from Manhattanville College. She completed her Orff Schulwerk Levels at the San Francisco International Orff Course. Ashley has been a Teacher Educator in Movement Levels I - III at summer Orff levels courses since 2013. Her articles on elemental movement have been published in The Orff Echo. In addition to presenting workshops to school systems and chapters nationally and abroad, Ashley teaches K - 5th grade children Music & Movement at Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Maryland.

Allen Moody - Recorder, Levels I, II, and III

Allen Moody is the Orff Music specialist at Idlewild Elementary where he teaches music to kindergarten through fifth grade students. Under his direction, the Idlewild Recorder Ensemble has performed at the 2014 AOSA National Conference in Nashville, TN and at the TNMEA state conference. Allen is an active member in the Memphis Chapter of AOSA and is a past president. He currently serves as President of the West Tennessee General Music Education Association. Allen serves as the recorder instructor for summer Orff levels courses. He has presented sessions at the AOSA National Conference and workshops for Orff chapters across the USA. He received his Master’s of Music in Music Education from the University of Memphis in December 2018. He serves on the Executive Board for Summer at the Scheidt, through the University of Memphis, as a director of their Elementary Music Camp. Allen is a National Board Certified Teacher and CMA Music Teacher of Excellence. 

Doug Goodkin - Masterclass: The Jazz Course

Doug Goodkin taught children from three years old through 8th grade at The San Francisco School for 45 years before retiring in 2020. He continues a rigorous schedule of giving Orff Courses throughout the world, keeps an ongoing blog, hosts his own podcast and performs with his jazz group “Doug Goodkin & the Pentatonics,” most recently at SF Jazz Center. He is the author of 10 books including three books on Jazz Education, the most recent Jazz, Joy & Justice: The Stories Every American Should Know. Doug is featured in the documentary film “The Secret Song,” available for streaming on PBS. 
Starting in 1988, Doug has taught this unique Jazz Course in six states, six Canadian provinces and over fifteen countries around the world. Thousands of teachers and their students can testify that his approach to teaching jazz gives people the confidence, understanding and material to uncover and develop their “inner jazz musician.” All in a community atmosphere of mutual support and infectious joy. His work has been acclaimed by such jazz musicians as Milt Jackson, Stefon Harris, Herlin Riley, Marcus Printup, Regina Carter, Bobby McFerrin and more.
There are no prerequisites for the Jazz Course! Anyone interested in Orff Schulwerk or jazz music education may register for this masterclass.

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