Undergraduate Scholarships 

Academic Scholarships

Students who apply before December 1 will receive preferred consideration for university-wide academic scholarships.

Performance Scholarships

The Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music awards incoming undergraduate students numerous yearly talent-based performance scholarships. This award may be renewed for up to 8 semesters unless otherwise noted and combined with your existing merit and need-based aid up to the cost of attendance defined by the Office of Financial Aid.

Dates & Deadlines

  • Early Action: December 1. Undergraduate students who apply by December 1 and audition by December 7 will receive an award notification before winter break. 
  • Scholarship Deadline: March 1. Students who complete their audition by March 1 will receive fullest consideration for music awards.
  • Scholarship notifications are sent separately via email in mid-to-late March.  

School of Music Chamber Players Program

Students who are selected for the Chamber Players Program provide leadership among their peers, hone their skills as performers, and serve as ambassadors for the School of Music while performing in three distinguished chamber groups - the Beale String Quartet, Magnolia Woodwind Quintet, and the Central Avenue Brass Quintet. Students are often top instrumental performers who perform in a distinguished chamber ensemble for all four years of study in addition to their regular academic and music curriculum. The Chamber Players Program is open to incoming music majors who are resident, non-resident or international applicants. The award covers the cost of full tuition up to 18 hours per semester. Students must be declared music majors and maintain all requirements for a music scholarship.

The Chamber Players Program ensembles perform together for their studies, enabling each ensemble to prepare performance repertoire in great depth and mature as an ensemble together. The time commitment for one of these distinguished chamber ensembles can be more than required of other ensembles in the School of Music and provides students a rare opportunity to learn how to develop programming, explore new repertoire, and interact with audiences while performing as a cohesive group in the School of Music, within the community, at conferences, and for recording projects.

Athletic Band Scholarships 

Eligibility varies based on several factors for students receiving School of Music scholarships. Contact the band office for more detail mss@memphis.edu or 901 678 2263.

Academic Common Market

Non-TN-Residents who reside in participating SREB partner states and who pursue concentrations in Jazz, Recording Technology or Music Business may be eligible to receive a fee waiver from their state under the Academic Common Market program. These students should review the requirements and instructions at: https://www.sreb.org/academic-common-market 

Private Donor/Endowed Awards

Private donor/endowment scholarships have specific requirements determined by the donor. Several of these awards require a separate application through the Tiger Scholarship Manager. For some awards, recipients are confirmed by faculty nomination and a committee review process. View a list of Donor/Endowed Awards on this page.

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