School of Music Scholarships 

The Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music provides a world-class education with a tuition that makes us one of the most affordable comprehensive music schools in the country. In addition to University scholarships and financial aid, we also offer an exceptional music scholarship program. More than 80 percent of School of Music students receive some form of financial aid. Students can be considered for both merit and need based financial aid, including scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. 

Undergraduate Scholarships

The School of Music offers several merit-based awards at the undergraduate level which may be combined with university academic scholarships.

Undergrad Scholarships >

Endowed Scholarships

Endowed scholarships are special one-time awards that require additional application or materials. They may be available for undergraduate or graduate students.

Endowed Scholarships >

Graduate Scholarships

The School of Music recognizes and supports the work of its graduate students through scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, and paid internships that assist with daily administrative operations. 

Graduate Scholarships >

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