Voice Audition Requirements

Please select your degree:

Voice – Undergraduate

  • BM Music Performance – Classical Voice & BM Music Education – Choral: Voice
    • Two solos, one English or one American art song plus one foreign language art song or aria, memorized
    • Sight-reading
    • Pitch recognition
  • All other concentrations of the B.M. in Music, Music Therapy, Music Minor, and Applied Lessons
    • One solo selection, no language requirement; selections should be in a classical style and memorized.
    • Sight-reading.
    • Pitch recognition.
    • Vocalists who are applying for a Non-major Scholarship must complete a School of Music application to schedule an audition. Vocalists who are seeking applied lessons only (no scholarship) should request an audition directly with the Voice Area Coordinator. 
  • All students will be heard by a committee of the voice faculty. Under special circumstances the head of the Voice division may hear and audition incoming students without an audition committee with approval of voice faculty members.
  • Each auditionee should bring sheet music as a pianist will be provided. Auditionees may bring their own pianists. Recorded accompaniments are allowed but not preferred. 

Voice - Graduate

  • All students will be heard by a committee of the voice faculty. Under special circumstances, the head of the Voice division may hear and audition incoming students without an audition committee with the approval of voice faculty members.
  • A pre-screen audition is required for all graduate voice applicants. Deadline: December 1.
    • This video should be comprised of two items - one opera aria in the original language, plus one contrasting selection of your choice. Live auditions will be granted to applicants who pass this screening.
  • Live audition requirements
    • Perform 4 selections including English, French, German, and Italian. The selections should represent a variety of styles and time periods, but also reveal your strengths and personality as a performer. All selections are to be performed from memory. Repertoire from the pre-screening video may be repeated at the live audition.
    • Applicants should submit recital programs from previous degree(s) and/or a representative repertoire list of undergraduate literature performed by the applicant. 
  • Portfolio: at the time of application, graduate voice applicants should submit a resume, headshot, and the prescreen audition videos. Optional items include a list of repertoire performed and recital programs.
  • Each auditionee should bring sheet music as a pianist will be provided. Auditionees may bring their own pianists.

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