Brass Audition Requirements

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Euphonium Audition Requirements - Undergraduate

  • Two contrasting etudes/solos (or two contrasting movements of a multi-movement work), one lyrical and one technical. Suggested examples include
    • Etudes: Rochut Melodious Etudes for Trombone, Tyrell Forty Progressive Studies, Fink Studies in Legato, Concone/Shoemaker Legato Etudes, Blume Thirty-six Studies for Trombone
    • Solos: Ropartz Andante and Allegro, Guilmant Morceau Symphonique, Voxman/Rubank Concert and Contest Collection, Marcello Sonata in C Major, Barat Introduction and Dance, Galliard Sonata #1

Euphonium Audition Requirements - Graduate

  • Two contrasting etudes/solos (or two contrasting movements of a multi-movement work), one lyrical and one technical. Suggested examples include:
    • Etudes: Arban Complete Method for Trombone or Euphonium - Characteristic Studies, Clarke Characteristic Studies, Rochut Melodious Etudes for Trombone, Charlier Thirty-two Etudes, Ostrander Shifting Meter Studies
    • Solos: Boccalari Fantasia di Concerto, Jacob Fantasia, Senaille-Falcone Allegro Spiritoso, Hovhanness Concerto No. 3, Wilder Sonata, Curnow Symphonic Variants, Horovitz Concerto
  • Band Excerpts: Sousa Stars and Stripes Forever, Holst March from Suite in F, Grainger Molly on the Shore, Schuman When Jesus Wept
  • Orchestral Excerpts: Mussorgsky Bydlo-Pictures at an Exhibition, Strauss Ein Heldenleben

Horn Audition Requirements - Undergraduate

  • Two or three contrasting etudes or movements of a solo – All state music is acceptable.
    • Recommended repertoire for Music Performance
      •  All major scales and arpeggios, 2 octaves
      • At least one etude of the applicant’s choice (example etude books: Kopprasch, Gallay, Kling, Pottag, Alphonse)
      • At least one solo movement of the applicant’s choice (examples: Strauss-1st concerto; Mozart-any concerto; Beethoven, Heiden or Hindemith Sonatas)
      • Orchestral excerpts are highly encouraged (examples: Brahms-Symphony No. 1; Beethoven-Symphony No. 3, 2nd horn; Shostakovich-Symphony No. 5; Strauss-Don Juan; Tchaikovsky-Symphony No. 4)
    • Recommended repertoire for all other undergraduate concentrations
      • All major scales and arpeggios
      • Etudes: Kopprasch, Gallay, Alphonse, Pottag
      • Solos: Strauss-1st concerto or Mozart-any concerto

Horn Audition Requirements - Graduate

  • MM Requirements
    • Two contrasting etudes. One etude should be from the standard etude books (Kopprasch, Alphonse-Book 3 or higher, Kling, etc.) and one should be from etude books focusing on modern aural skills and technique (Reynolds, Schuller, etc.)
    • Two contrasting movements of solo repertoire. Solos from composers in underrepresented communities should be considered as one of the movements (see lastrowmusic.com or Lin Foulk Baird’s website for suggestions)
    • Two or three contrasting orchestral excerpts showcasing applicant’s range and a variety of styles
  • DMA Requirements
    • Two complete solos from the repertoire and one unaccompanied work. Solos from composers in underrepresented communities should be considered as one of the solos (see lastrowmusic.com or Lin Foulk Baird’s website for suggestions)
    • Orchestral excerpts representing contrasting ranges and stylistic periods
  • Artist Diploma – Three solos from the standard repertoire and orchestral excerpts.


Scales: All Major scales, two octaves from memory.

Etudes: ONE technical etude and ONE lyrical etude from the following.

  • Tenor
    • Voxman: Selected Studies (technical)
    • Blazevich/Fink: Advanced Musical Etudes (technical)
    • Bordogni/Rochut: Melodius Etudes (lyrical)
  • Bass
    • Grigoriev: 24 Studies (technical)
    • Knaub: Pi a la Bone Technical Studies (technical)
    • Bordogni/Rochut: Melodius Etudes (lyrical: as written and down an octave).

Solos: A solo of the applicant's choosing that demonstrates both lyrical and technical ability. Examples include:

  • Tenor
    • Saint-Saens: Cavatine
    • Guilmant: Morceau Symphonique, Op. 88
    • Barat: Andante et Allegro
  • Bass
    • Lebedev: Concerto No. 1
    • Jacob: Cameos
    • McCarty: Sonata

Sight-reading: Required for all applicants.

Graduate - M.M., A.D., DMA

Etudes: Play one etude comparable in difficulty to the works below.

  • Tenor
    • Rochut: Book I, #55- 60
    • Bitsch: 15 Etudes de Rythme, Etude #3
    • Boutry: 12 Etudes de haut Perfectionnement, Etudes #7
  • Bass
    • Rode: 15 Caprices
    • Rochut: Volume I (#49-60 played 8vb)
    • Maenz: Zwanzig Studien fur Bassposaune

Solos: Play two works of contrasting styles comparable in difficulty to the works below.

  • Tenor
    • Grondahl: Concerto
    • Larsson: Concertino
    • Sulek: Sonata vox Gabrieli
    • David: Concertino
  • Bass
    • Bozza: New Orleans
    • Lebedev: Concerto No. 1
    • Sachse: Konzert (ed. Arno Hermann)
    • Koetsier: Allegro Maestoso

Orchestral Excerpts: Play five orchestral excerpts comparable in difficulty to the following works.

  • Tenor
    • Mozart: Tuba Mirum from Requiem
    • Berlioz: Hungarian March (2nd trombone part)
    • Rossini: La Gazza Ladra Overture
    • Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries
    • Ravel: Bolero
  • Bass
    • Haydn: Achieved is the Glorious Work from The Creation
    • Berlioz: Hungarian March
    • Schumann: Symphony No. 3, Rhenish
    • Rossini: William Tell Overture
    • Wagner: Entry of the Gods into Valhalla from Das Rheingold

Sight-reading: Applicants may be asked to demonstrate sight-reading ability


Trumpet Audition Requirements - Undergraduate

  • Two or three Etudes/Solos of contrasting character should be prepared which best demonstrate your sound, range, and technique. 
    • Recommended repertoire for Music Performance
      • All major scales and arpeggios
      • Etudes: Charlier; Etudes Transcendantes, Longinotti; Studies in Classical and Modern Style, Concone; Lyrical Studies; Brandt; 34 Studies
      • Solos: Hindemith; Sonate, Kennan; Sonata; Haydn; Concerto; Chance; Credo
    • Recommended repertoire for all other undergraduate concentrations
      • All major scales and arpeggios
      • Etudes: Bousquet; 36 Celebrated Studies, Getchell; Second Book of Practical Studies, Brandt; 34 Studies, Arban; Characteristic Studies
      • Solos: Haydn; Concerto (2nd movement), Goeyens; All' Antica; Balay; Prelude et Ballade, Barat; Fantasie en mi bemol; Goedicke; Concert Etude

Tuba Audition Requirements – Undergraduate

  • Two contrasting etudes/solos (or two contrasting movements of a multi-movement work), one lyrical and one technical. Suggested examples include:
    • Etudes: Bordogni/Rochut Bel Canto Studies/Complete Vocalises, Concone Legato Etudes for Tuba, Blazevich 70 Studies, Snedecor Low Etudes for Tuba, Tyrell 40 Advanced Studies, Kopprasch 60 Selected Studies
    • Solos: Bach/Bell Air and Bourree, Lebedev Concerto in One Movement, Capuzzi Andante and Rondo, Voxman/Rubank Concert and Contest Collection, Barat Introduction and Dance, Haddad Suite for Tuba, Senaille Introduction and Allegro

Tuba Audition Requirements – Graduate

  • Two contrasting etudes/solos (or two contrasting movements of a multi-movement work), one lyrical and one technical. Suggested examples include: 
    • Etudes: Arban Complete Method – Characteristic Studies, Bordogni/Rochut Bel Canto Studies/Complete Vocalises, Concone Legato Etudes for Tuba, Blazevich 70 Studies, Snedecor Low Etudes for Tuba, Tyrell 40 Advanced Studies, Kopprasch 60 Selected Studies
    • Solos: Hindemith Sonate, Vaughan-Williams Concerto, Broughton Concerto, Bach/Cooley Sonata in E-Flat (Flute), Arnold Fantasy, Plog Three Miniatures, Grant Three Furies
  • Band Excerpts: Sousa Stars and Stripes Forever, Vaughan Williams Toccata Marziale, Grantham J’ai ete au bal
  • Orchestra Excerpts: Wagner Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, Berlioz Hungarian March, Mahler Symphony No. 1, Prokofiev Symphony No. 5, Bruckner Symphony No. 7

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