Faculty and Staff Resources

Faculty & Staff Handbook

The Faculty & Staff Handbook is a comprehensive guide for all policies and procedures of the School of Music.



Collaborative Piano Services Request 
This form is used to request a student pianist for recitals, masterclasses, area workshops, competitions, and other types of performances. See 5.3 Collaborative Piano Services for more information. 

Jury System
System used for scheduling juries and ensemble auditions.

Peer Review of Teaching
Faculty will review peers and submit at least one evaluation for each year of appointment. This process is managed by the School of Music Promotion and Tenure subcommittee. The process can be found in 4.12e of the handbook.

Recording Studio Services Request
For the Fall 2023 Semester, recording studio time is available on Fridays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Student Success Center  
Our Student Success Center is the one-stop spot for School of Music students to be advised, connect with campus resources and receive academic support. 


Absence Request Form
Faculty and staff should use this form to submit leave requests to the Director. 

Travel & Development Funding Request
Faculty should use this form to request funds for recruitment or development purposes (conferences, courses, travel, etc.). 

Guest Artist Proposal Request
This form should be used to submit proposals for guest artist funding only if you have funding available in your area for the current academic year.  

Supply Request Form
Faculty & Staff should use this form to request supplies. If your item is over $50, please submit a Special Order Form before your Supply Request Form



Performance Space + Marketing Request Form
To reserve space and request marketing support for your performance, festival, large event or other School of Music event, you must submit this form a minimum of 30 days prior to the event.

Performance Space Stage Plots  
Downloadable PDFs of the performance spaces to assist with diagraming setups to the operations team

Guidelines for Conferences, Festivals, and Large Events
A step-by-step guide to assist faculty in the planning of large events



Room Scheduling 
The School of Music uses the University's Virtual EMS system for room scheduling. 

Equipment and Tech Request  
Faculty can request AV Technology assistance, but they must submit this form a minimum of 14 days prior to the date. 

Keyboard Maintenance Request
Use this form to request a university keyboard be tuned or repaired. 


Recruitment & Enrollment

Enrollment Report: Available through the Office of Institutional Research

Prospective Student Lists: Login to MusicWindow

Recruitment Materials RequestPlease submit this form no later than one-week prior to the event.

Student Personalized Visit Request

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