6.0 Performance & Events 

6.1 Space Scheduling

All requests for Harris Hall and SFPAC Concert Hall must be submitted to the Scheduling Coordinator by email at least seven days before the requested reservation date. Any request after the seven-day deadline will be reviewed at the discretion of the Facilities Manager.

For space scheduling, the SoM uses the University's Virtual EMS system. For more information and how to schedule a room online, see our Room Scheduling page

6.2 Collaborative Piano Services

This section can be found in 5.3 Collaborative Piano Services of the Student Handbook. 

6.3 School of Music Recording Procedures

Information on recordings and how to make requests can be found in 4.1f Recording & Streaming of the Student Handbook. 

6.4 Concert & Events

Please note dates within areas of your responsibility and promptly communicate this information to assist with the communication and marketing of your event. For guidelines on conferences, festivals, and large events, see Appendix H

Academic Year Performance Planning Calendar:

  • Early September:
    • Planning meeting for large ensemble directors and recruitment staff to set dates of large performances, audition days, festivals, conferences, and other large events for the following academic year.
  • Mid-September: 
    • Rental dates opened to external partners, internal scheduling for large external performances/events (NON-SOM Ticketed Events, Ect.)
  • Mid-October: 
    • Planning meeting for the general faculty to set dates for performances, guest artists, studio recitals, ect. 
  • December:
    • Spreadsheet of events is compiled by Scheduling/Events Coordinator and Marching Coordinator
  • January: 
  • March 15th: 
    • Deadline for Formal Performance requests. All events after this date that are not requested are no longer tentatively held in the calendar. 
  • NOTE: All events must be requested via the Performance Space + Marketing Request Form in the Faculty Handbook. Events planned without formal request are not guaranteed space, marketing, or staff support. 

Single Performance & Event Requests:

  • During the school year, faculty may want to request new performances or guest recitals. The process for requesting these events are as follows:
    • Step 1: Communicate with the Scheduling Coordinator to identify available dates in the spaces desired. 
    • Step 2: Complete the Performance Space + Marketing Request Form 
    • Step 3: The Marketing Coordinator will view your information and request additional information if needed
    • Step 4: The Scheduling and Events Coordinator will confirm the date in EMS. 
    • Step 5: Any changes to stage needs, stage diagrams, staffing, AV, ect must be done by updating your original request. This can be done using the link in your confirmation email no less than 2 weeks prior to the performance/event. Any changes within the two week timeframe will be denied. 
    • Note: Any changes to dates, title, or other fundamental event info must be communicated to both the Scheduling and Events Coordinator as well as the Marketing Coordinator via email no less than two months prior to your performance/event. 

Space Reservations: 

  • For events/performances that require staff assistance (setup, staffing, marketing, AV, ect.) must be requested via the Performance Space + Marketing Request Form in the faculty resources page. 
  • Events/performances not requiring these items may be requested via EMS similar to a normal space request. 

Dress Rehearsals:

  • Dress rehearsals can be requested in the performance request, and will be honored based on space availability to the best of our ability. Dress rehearsals will include reservation of the space but does not include staff support (technical AV, stage hands). Support may be requested up to 2 weeks prior to rehearsal date, and is subject to staff and students worker availability. Requests within the 2 week period will be denied. 

Event Cancelation:

  • Cancellation of events must be communicated to the Operations staff no less than 2 weeks prior to the event at music_facilities@memphis.edu to allow for good communication with student and volunteer staff. 

Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center Scheduling Policy:

  • In an effort to keep our Performing Arts Center in the best condition possible and allow for better community partnership, the SFPAC will be limited in its availability to be scheduled beyond three months in advance of the performance/event date. 

Performance Space Setup Time:

  • At minimum, for large ensembles and ensembles with more involved technical setup, the entire day will be blocked out in the performance space.  
  • For smaller ensembles and recitals, 2 hours of setup and dress time will be blocked out prior to performances. 

6.4a. Participation of Minors  

On-campus events that involve minors must be registered and receive approval in advance. Additional information can be found on the University's Educational Initiatives page. The participation parental consent form can be found here.

6.4b. Performance Space Stage Plots 

The stage plots below should be used to demonstrate stage setups for performances, events, ect. After drawing out the staging needs (chairs, stands, ect), they should be uploaded using the Performance Space + Marketing Request Form in the designated area.

Plough Hall (Standard Shell Depth)
Plough Hall (Extended Shell Depth)
Plough Hall (Shell Removed)

6.5 Recital & Concert Program Information

Information on recital requests and concert program information can be found on 4.1 Recitals of the Student Handbook.