Tinnitus/Ringing in the Ears

Tinnitus Assessments

  • Patients receive a comprehensive audiological evaluations to determine degree and type of hearing loss. 
  • Patients complete questionnaires which enable us to determine what the patients are experiencing and how debilitating the tinnitus is.    
  • Further assessment is done in an attempt to match pitch and loudness of patient’s tinnitus and to determine if tinnitus can be masked by using more comfortable sounds.

Tinnitus Management

  • Patients with tinnitus and hearing loss have the option of receiving hearing aids with tinnitus masking feature for daily use. 
  • Patients are counseled to consider the use of readily available sound machines with sounds that help to relax and reduce the level of annoyance from their tinnitus. 
  • Patients are enrolled in a course at MSHC on understanding and managing their tinnitus.  Patients are learning from instructors and from other tinnitus patients. 

More information on tinnitus from the NIH.

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