MSCM Internship Program


The purpose of the MSCM Internship Program is to provide students the opportunity to gain “real world” work experience related to their academic studies to enhance their educational experience.  The program is designed with flexibility for Marketing Management and Supply Chain Management students to earn academic credits associated with their specific major or minor.  The MSCM internship program allows students the opportunity to select a company internship of their choice that matches their own interest.

Program Goals

Following are the Fogelman College of Business & Economics Internship Program Goals:

  • To provide quality students with various forms of practical job experience as part of their formal educational program.
  • To help students understand the demands of different careers.
  • To assist the student in developing interpersonal skills, understandings, and attitudes involving relationships with other employees and supervisors.
  • To provide students with the opportunity of combining theory and practice.
  • To assist the student in bridging the gap from full-time student to full-time employee.
  • To provide students with current information concerning the latest concepts, procedures and equipment used in business.

To support the FCBE goals, the following are the MSCM Goals:

  • To assist students with the implementation of the FCBE goals during their internship.
  • To help students with the academic understanding of their internship related to their MSCM major or minor. 
  • To provide students the opportunity to gain a higher level of learning from their internship.
  • To give the student a take-away to use in seeking employment.

Academic Requirements


  • FCBE Academic Requirements:
    • FCBE degree seeking student
    • Junior or Senior with at least a 2.75 GPA and 15 credit hours of upper division core classes
    • Graduate student with at least a 3.0 GPA and 15 credit hours of coursework
    • Students must work 150 hours to receive 3-hours of credit.
    • The course and the internship must be taken simultaneously.
    • No credit can be given for past experience
    • Internship experience must be directly related to your major.

  • MSCM Academic Requirements:
    • Students must register for the appropriate internship according to registration procedures.
    • The internship work experience must relate to the student’s MSCM major or minor.
    • Students may participate in more than one internship.

Course Description

MKTG 4911 – The course is designed to allow students to perform work activities specifically related to Marketing and Supply Chain Management.  The responsibilities and duties of the student’s internship job description will enable the student to gain practical work experience and acquire industry knowledge in the Marketing and Supply Chain Management field.  The work experience must be related to the equivalent learning of a tradition upper-division 3-hour course in MSCM with clear documented evidence.  (Please see the MSCM Assessment and Grading Evaluation Method)

Internship Procedures

After completing the FCBE internship credit application procedures (located at:  https://www.memphis.edu/fcbeinternships/index.php), the following MSCM procedures must be completed to obtain 3-hours of MSCM academic credit:

  1. Ask a MSCM instructor to serve as the Academic Supervisor.
  2. Complete the Learning Agreement and obtain the Academic Supervisor’s signature.
  3. Obtain the MSCM Department Chair’s signature
  4. Return all forms to the Internship Coordinator in room FCB 114.
  5. Provide the Academic Supervisor a completed On-site Supervisor Evaluation form.
  6. Submit the completed internship assignment to the Academic Supervisor by the due date

Assessment and Grading Evaluation Method

To obtain 3-hours of academic credit for the internship, the student needs to complete the following Learning Agreement with the On-site Supervisor except for the evaluation method and percentage sections.  The Academic Supervisor will determine the evaluation method and percentage. 

Click here for a printable blank form

Click here for a printable example form


MSCM Internship Grading:

The evaluation method will be determined by the Academic Supervisor using the above Learning Agreement completed by the Student, On-Site Supervisor, and the Academic Supervisor.  The evaluation methods will depend on the specific MSCM Learning Goals to be gained and how successfully they were achieved.  The Academic Supervisor will determine the percentage to be applied for each MSCM Goal achievement and for the On-Site Supervisor Internship Evaluation form.  The On-Site Supervisor Internship Evaluation form will be used for grading on the job performance.  Grading will be:

A=Outstanding Work
B=Very Good Work
C=Average Work
D=Below Average Work
F=Failed to complete

The instructor will determine if the plus/minus grading system will be used.  The drop/add procedures and other academic procedures apply the same as a regular course.