Minor in Social Media Marketing

Minor Outline

Below are the course requirements for a minor in Social Media Marketing.

  • KEY
    • "FCBE Majors" = this course list is for any FCBE student pursuing a degree from any FCBE department 
    • "Non-FCBE Majors" = this course list is for all other UofM students pursing a degree outside FCBE

NOTE: this list is subject to change. Students must consult the UofM Catalog or their academic advisor to ensure they are taking the correct courses.

FCBE Majors -  9 hours
  • MKTG 3340 - Principles of Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG 4630 - Social Media Strategies and Analytics
  • MKTG 4611 - Social Media Internship/Practicum Credit Hours: (1-6)

Non-FCBE Majors -  18 hours
  • MKTG 3340 - Principles of Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG 4630 - Social Media Strategies and Analytics 
  • MKTG 4611 - Social Media Internship/Practicum Credit Hours: (1-6)

Plus Any Three (3) of the Following:

  • COMM 4811 - The Internet and New Media 
  • MKTG 3010 - Principles of Marketing 
  • MKTG 3012 - Consumer Insights
  • MKTG 3140 - Integrated Marketing Communications
  • MIS 4160 - Mobile Application Development 
  • MIS 4760 - Web Site Development
  • JRSM 4910 - Social Media and Society


Course Descriptions & Requirements

The requirements and course descriptions are all listed on the UofM's Online Catalog.

It is very important that you review our instructional page on how to utilize the online catalog before visiting the catalog's website. 


Next Step


For more information on the Accounting minor, please contact FCBE Undergraduate Student Services. 

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