Research & Publications

2016 Publications

Nejad, M.G., M. Amini, D. Sherrell, "The Profit Impact of Heterogeneity and Assortativity in the Presence of Negative Word-of-Mouth," International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2016.

Marla B. Royne, S. Meyers, G. Deitz, & A. Fox, "Risks, Benefits, and Competitive Interference: Consumer Perceptions of Prescription Drug Versus Dietary Supplement Advertising" Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, Vol. 37, Issue 1, pp 59-79, 2016.

2015 Publications

Amini, M. and H. Li, "The Impact of Dual-Market on Supply Chain Configuration for New Products," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53 No. 18, pp. 5669-5684, 2015.

Gaur, J., M. Amini, P. Banerjee, and R. Gupta, "Drivers of Consumer Purchase Intentions for Remanufactured Products: A Study of Indian Consumers Relocated to USA," Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 30-47, 2015.

Nejad, M.G., M. Amini, E. Babakus, "Success Factors in Product Seeding: The Role of Homophily," Journal of Retailing, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp 68-88, 2015.

Dehghan, M., J. A. Harrison, M. Scarbecz, S. E. Langham and M. Amini "Implementation of the "Comprehensive Care" Educational Model: Student Survey at University Tennessee College of Dentistry," Journal of Dental Education, pp 133-139, 2015. 

Shannahan, Rachelle J., Bush, Alan J., Shannahan, Kirby L. J., & Moncrief, William C. (2015), "How Salesperson Perceptions of Customers' Pro-Social Behaviors Help Drive Salesperson Performance," Industrial marketing Management, 51, 100-114.

Sengupta, Aditi S., Ugur Yavas, and Emin Babakus (2015), "Interactive Effects of Personal and Organizational Resources on Frontline Bank Employees' Job Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Person-Job Fit," International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33 (7), 884-903.

Yavas, Ugur, Subhash Jha, and Emin Babakus (2015), "Relative Effects of Leadership and Technology on Bank Employees' Job Outcomes," Services Marketing Quarterly, 36 (2), 173-187.

Westbrook, Kevin W., Cori C. Grant, Ed Rafalski, and Emin Babakus (2015), "Patient-Family Centered Care: Measuring Perceived Service Quality Following a Critical Care Services Experience" Journal of Health Management, 17 (3) 304-315.

Lister, Cameron, Marla B. Royne, Hannah Payne, Ben Cannon, Carl Hanson, and Michael Barnes (2015), "The Laugh Model: Reframing and Rebranding Public Health through Social Media," American Journal of Public Health, 105 (11), 2245-2251.

Rademaker, Claudia, Marla B. Royne, and Richard Wahlund (2015), "Eco-harmful Media Perceptions and Consumer Response to Advertising," Journal of Cleaner Production,108, 799-807.

Balaji, M.S., Subhash Jha and Marla B. Royne, (2015), "Customer E-complaining Behaviors using Social Media," Services Industries Journal, 35 (11/12), 633-654.

Thieme, Jeff, Marla B. Royne, Subhash Jha, Marian Levy and Wendy Barnes McEntee(2015), "Factors Affecting the Relationship between Environmental Concern and Behaviors," Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 (5), 675-690.

2014 Publications

Billing, Tejinder K., Rabi S. Bhagat, Emin Babakus, B.N. Srivastava, and Mansoo Shin (2014), “Work–Family Conflict in Four National Contexts: A Closer Look at the Role of Individualism–Collectivism,” International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 14 (2), 139–159.

Yavas, Ugur, Emin Babakus, George D. Deitz, and Subhash Jha (2014), "Correlates of Customer Loyalty to Financial Institutions: A Case Study," Journal of Consumer Marketing, 31 (3), 218–227.

Westbrook, Kevin W., Emin Babakus, and Cori C. Grant (2014), “Measuring Patient-Perceived Hospital Service Quality:  Validity and Managerial Usefulness of HCAHPS Scales,” Health Marketing Quarterly, 31 (2), 97-114.

Yavas, Ugur, Osman M. Karatepe and Emin Babakus (2014), “Exploring the Role of Organisational and Personal Resources in Explaining Nurse Performance in Public Hospitals in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,” Journal of Health Management, 16 (1), 1-12 (lead article).

Collier, Joel E., Daniel L. Sherrell, Emin Babakus, and Alisha B. Horky (2014), “Understanding the Differences of Public and Private Self-Service Technology,” Journal of Services Marketing, 28 (1), 60-70.

Billing, Tejinder K., Rabi S. Bhagat, Emin Babakus, Balaji Krishnan, David L. Ford Jr., B. N. Srivastava, Ujvala Rajadhyaksha, Mannsoo Shin, Ben Kuo, Catherine Kwantes Bernadette Setiadi, and Aizzat Mohd. Nasurdin (2014), “Work-Family Conflict and Psychological Strain: The Moderating Role of Decision Latitude in Five National Contexts,” Applied Psychology: An International Review, 63 (1), 62-95.

Nejad, Mohammad G., Daniel L. Sherrell and Emin Babakus (2014), “Influentials and Influence Mechanisms in New Product Diffusion: An Integrative Review,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22 (2), 187–209.

Mangold, W. Glynn, Emin Babakus, Katherine T. Smith (2014), “Trust and the Online Conversation: The Case of Online Reviews,” International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 8 (2), 143-160.

Sarkar, Aditi, M. S. Balaji and Balaji Krishnan (2014), “How Customers Cope with Service Failure? A Study of Brand Reputation and Customer Satisfaction.” Journal of Business Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.08.005

Cicala, John E., Alan J. Bush, Daniel L. Sherrell, and George D. Deitz (2014), “Does Transparency Influence the Ethical Behavior of Salespeople?” Journal of Business Research, 67 (9), 1787-1795.

Amini, M., and C. Bienstock, "corporate Sustainability: An Integrative Definition and Framework to evaluate Corporate Practice and Guide Academic Research," Journal of Cleaner Production, 76, pp 12-19, 2014.

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