Dr. Jeff Thieme
Associate Professor

Dr. Jeff Thieme is Associate Professor of Marketing in the Marketing and Supply Chain Management Department in the Fogelman College of Business & Economics at the University of Memphis. His research and teaching interests focus on the intersection between sustainability and marketing/business strategy, specifically with respect to the role that businesses play in addressing sustainability challenges. A secondary area of interest is the process of developing and launching new products. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University and has an MBA (Emphasis in Operations Management) and BS Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri - Columbia. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Memphis, Dr. Thieme was Assistant Professor of Marketing at Syracuse University. He has published in major marketing journals including: Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Product Innovation Management. Outside of academia, he has worked for a variety of companies including: Ford Motor Company, Purina Mills, Union Electric, and McDonnell Douglas.
Refereed Journals
Royne, M. B., Thieme, J., and Levy, M., "How to Create Environmentalists: The Best Motivators," Journal of Business Strategy, 39 (1), 2018, 53-60. (Applied/Integration, B)
Royne, M. B., Thieme, J., Levy, M., Oakley, J., and Alderson, Laura, "From Thinking Green to Buying Green: Consumer Motivation Makes the Difference," Journal of Business Strategy, 37 (3), 2016, 37-43. (Applied/Integration, B)
Thieme, J., Royne, M. B., Jha, S., Levy, M., and McEntee, W., "Factors Affecting the Relationship between Environmental Concern and Behaviors," Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 33 (5), 2015, 675 - 690. (Applied/Integration, B)
Michael Song and Jeff Thieme, (2009) "The Role of Suppliers in Market Intelligence Gathering for Radical and Incremental Innovation," Journal of Product Innovation Management (A), 26, January, 43-57.
Jeff Thieme, (2007) "Perspective: Top Innovation Management Scholars and Their Social Capital," Journal of Product Innovation Management (A), 24, May, 214-229.
Michael Song, Barbara Dyer, and R. Jeffrey Thieme, (2006) "Conflict Management and Innovation Performance: An Integrated Contingency Perspective," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (A+), 34, 3, 341-356.
Michael Song and R. Jeffrey Thieme, (2006) "A Cross-National Investigation of the R&D-Marketing Interface in the Product Innovation Process." Industrial Marketing Management (A), Special Issue on New Product Development in Asia, 35, April, 308-322. (Accepted in September 2004. However, the special issue was not published until 2006.)
R. Jeffrey Thieme, Michael Song, and Geon-Cheol Shin, (2003) "Project Management Characteristics and New Product Survival," Journal of Product Innovation Management (A) Special Issue: New Product Development Strategy, 20, March, 104-119.
R. Jeffrey Thieme, X. Michael Song, and Roger Calantone, (2000) "The Use of Artificial Neural Network Decision Support Systems for New Product Development Project Selection," Journal of Marketing Research (A+), 37, November, 499-507.
X. Michael Song, R. Jeffrey Thieme, and Jinhong Xie (1998), "The Impact of Cross-Functional Joint Involvement Across Product Development Stages: An Exploratory Study," Journal of Product Innovation Management (A), 15, July, 289-303.