Ganga Urumutta Hewage, PhD

Assistant Professor | Director, C-NRL

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Ganga Hewage


Ganga Urumutta Hewage is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Fogelman College of Business & Economics at the University of Memphis. Her research focuses on consumer decision making in experiential and material purchases and visual perception. Her work has appeared in premier journals such as Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied.She has received numerous research grants including Transformative Consumer Research- ACR AMA grant. She is a professionally qualified Chartered Marketer and a Fellow in the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK). Ganga has eight years of industry experience in brand marketing with Unilever Plc, one of the top five consumer packaged goods companies in the world. Her brand campaigns have received industry recognition. 

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