Dr. Wendy L. Bedwell-Torres

Assistant Professor of Teaching | Dir. Executive Education Programs

Office Hours:
By Appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Wendy L. Bedwell-Torres


Dr. Wendy L. Bedwell-Torres is a full-time faculty member of the Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management and the Department of Management, Fogelman College of Business & Economics at The University of Memphis. She earned her PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of Central Florida. Prior to joining the faculty, Dr. Bedwell-Torres was the owner and president of PACE Consulting Solutions, a firm dedicated to the science and practice of organizational effectiveness through individual/team performance management and training design, delivery, and evaluation, as well as an adjunct professor for the Kogod School of Business at American University and the School of Business at Quinnipiac University.


Dr. Bedwell has taught face-to-face, online, and hybrid undergraduate and graduate classes on topics including training and development, leadership, motivation, team performance, organizational behavior, performance management, and career advancement & organizational presence

Professional Memberships

  • Academy of Management
  • Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research
  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Southern Management Association


Dr. Wendy L. Bedwell-Torress also conducts research on individual/team performance and training effectiveness and applies this work to help improve organizational functioning across work domains (e.g., military, NASA, healthcare, oil industry). Her work has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Resource Management Review, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Group Dynamics, and Small Group Research.

Representative Publications

  • Mathieu, J.E., Wolfson, M.A., Park, S., Luciano, M.M., Bedwell-Torres, W.L., Ramsay, P.S., Klock, E.A., & Tannenbaum, S.I. (2022). Indexing dynamic collective constructs using computer-aided text analysis: Construct validity evidence and illustrations featuring team processes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 533-559. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000856  ****Designated as a Journal of Applied Psychology Monograph [Website states: "Monographs are substantial and significant contributions (as determined by the editorial team)"].

  • Fletcher, K.A., Telford, B.N., Frick, S.E., & Bedwell, W.L. (2018). Enhancing training with well-designed checklists. International Journal of Training and Development, 22(4), 289-300.

  • Frick, S.E., Fletcher, K.A., Ramsay, P.S., & Bedwell, W.L., (2017). Understanding team maladaptation through the lens of the four R's of adaptation. Human Resource Management Review, 28(4), 441-722.

  • Roma, P.G., & Bedwell, W.L. (2017). Key factors and threats to team dynamics in long duration extreme environments. In E. Salas, W.B. Vessey, & L.B. Landon (Ed.), Team Dynamics over Time: Research on Managing Groups and Teams (Vol 18, pp. 155-187). UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

  • Telford, B.N., Fletcher, K.A., & Bedwell, W.L. (2017). Informal learning in the healthcare industry: The detrimental effects of a hidden curriculum. In J. Ellingson and R. Noe (Eds.), Autonomous Learning in the Workplace: SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series (pp. 219-236). New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Salas, E., Shuffler, M.L., Thayer, A. L., Bedwell, W.L., & Lazzara, E.H. (2015). Understanding and improving teamwork in organizations: A scientifically based practical guide. Human Resource Management, 54(4), 599-622.

  • Bedwell, W.L., Fiore, S.M., Salas, E. (2014). Developing the future workforce: An approach for integrating interpersonal skills in the MBA classroom. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 13, 171-186.

Recent Presentations/Invited Talks

  • Bedwell, W.L., & Grossman, R. (2019, Apr.). Team composition: Exploring the changing landscape of both science and practice. Symposium presented at the 34th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, National Harbor, MD.

  • Bedwell, W.L. (Panelist). (2018, Apr.). A question of time: Multidisciplinary approaches to understanding team dynamics. In Niler, A., & DeChurch, L.A. (Co-Chairs) IGNITE! panel presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.

  • Bedwell, W.L. (Invited Keynote). (2017, May). Team adaptation: A practical, yet critical, component of effective team performance. Keynote presented at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital New Knowledge and Innovation Conference, Sarasota, FL.

  • Frick, S.E., Fletcher, K.A., Garrett, S.L., Bedwell, W.L., Ramsay, P.S., & Summers, J.K. (2016, Oct.). The curvilinear development of trust and distrust within teams. In K.A. Fletcher & W.L, Bedwell (Co-chairs), Antecedents and Outcomes of Team Emergent States and Processes. Paper presented at the 2016 Southern Management Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.

  • Bedwell, W.L. (Panelist). (2016, Apr.). Organizing that's out of this world! In L. Larson, B. Jones, & L. DeChurch (Co-Chairs) IGNITE! panel conducted at the 31st Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.

  • Ramsay, P.S., Frick, S. A., Ramsay, P.S., Frick, S.E., Grossman, M. R., Bedwell, W.L., & Summers, J. K. (2015, Oct.). Membership fluidity in teams. Paper presented at the annual Southern Management Association Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. **
    **Best paper award – OB Division