Second Major

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers a Second Major in Mathematics. This is designed primarily for students whose first major is Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, or in the Engineering College. However, students with other mathematically intensive majors may be permitted to complete a second major, provided that suitable course selections are possible. See the undergraduate catalog for details.

The following courses have been pre-approved by the math department as suitable course selections for use in fulfilling the requirements of section D of the catalog.

3710, 4720, 4393, 4750.

3411, 4311, 4411, 4414.

3103, 3121.

4030, 4601, 4720, 4745.

3203, 3204, 3240, 4235.

3341, 4322, 4371.

3111, 3211, 4112, 4211, 4212, 4410.

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