
The University of Memphis offers the following one-year scholarships for full-time undergraduates majoring in Mathematics or Statistics (including double or second majors). Multiple recipients for each scholarship may be chosen.

The Kaltenborn Scholarship

The Kaltenborn Scholarship is awarded in amounts ranging up to $1,500. Candidates must have completed at least 15 semester hours within the Mathematical Sciences major (in any concentration) while attending the University of Memphis; maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, with at least a 3.5 GPA in Mathematical Sciences major courses; and have demonstrated evidence of mathematical maturity through their coursework.

The R. P. & Dorothy Clark Scholarship

The R. P. & Dorothy Clark Scholarship is awarded in amounts up to $2,000. Designated for Outstanding Juniors majoring in the Mathematical Sciences (in any concentration). Candidates must have completed at least 18 semester hours within the Mathematical Sciences major at the time of application.

The Professor James E. Jamison Scholarship

Photo of James Jamison

Professor James E. Jamison was Chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences 2000-2012 and a faculty member 1970-2014. He had a highly active and productive professional life, both as a dedicated teacher, mentor and renowned researcher in Operator Theory and Functional Analysis. His enthusiasm as a teacher of mathematics inspired generations of young scholars to pursue mathematics on their own. As Chair he led the department to national and international visibility. He continued with his research and teaching while maintaining a regular professional schedule up to the very last days of his life. Jim Jamison’s passion for mathematics will stay forever with those who knew him.

The expected award amount for the Professor James E. Jamison Scholarship is $1,000. Candidates must have completed at least 60 hours at the University of Memphis, of which 12 hours must be the Calculus Sequence (Math 1910, 1920 and 2110; or Math 1421, 2421 and 2422) and major or double-major in Mathematical Sciences (second majors do not qualify); maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, with at least a 3.5 GPA in their Mathematical Sciences courses. Candidates must also have completed the Calculus Sequence (Math 1910, 1920 and 2110; or Math 1421, 2421 and 2422) at the University of Memphis, Department of Mathematical Sciences.

How to Apply

For instructions on how to apply, as well as information on other scholarships offered at the University of Memphis, visit the Scholarship Office.

For the Kaltenborn, R. P. & Dorothy Clark, and Professor James E. Jamison Scholarships, please include in your application the names and email addresses of two faculty members who will provide supporting letters, whom the Committee will solicit directly. Please also clearly indicate if you are applying for the Professor James E. Jamison Scholarship.

For more information, please contact Ben McCarty bmmccrt1@memphis.edu.

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