Degree Planning (BS)

The undergraduate catalog lists the full requirements for the Math BS degree. In addition to the standard General Education requirements, all math majors complete the Major Core, which includes two semesters of lab sciences (physics or chemistry), Calculus 1-3, Differential Equations, Intro to Proofs, Intro Linear Algebra, and an introductory programming course. In addition to the Major Core, students take at least 21 upper division credit hours. This is where you are able to customize your program of study to suit your needs.

Tracks within the math major

  1. Applied Mathematics:
    The track in Applied Mathematics is designed to explore the use of mathematics in the physical, social, and life sciences as well as engineering. Whether it is climate research, airplane design or swarming behavior, none of these could be described, explored, and analyzed the way they are without models and tools from the mathematical sciences. In such, Applied Mathematics is a transdisciplinary subject with a far reach beyond mathematics. This track provides an in-depth preparation for careers that require an advanced mathematical, computational, and technical sophistication. It builds a strong foundation for the study of universal scientific concepts and phenomena common to various disciplines. The core of this track concerns applied analysis, differential equations, first principle modeling and computational competence.

    Suggested Upper Division Electives:
    MATH 4120 - Ordinary Differential Equations
    MATH 4391 - Partial Differential Eqns I
    MATH 4635 - Intro Probability Theory
    MATH 4721 - Numerical Analysis

    Plus six upper division hours chosen from the following:
    MATH 3221 - Elementary Number Theory
    MATH 4242 - Linear Algebra
    MATH 4261 - Abstract Algebra
    MATH 4350 - Intro Real Analysis I
    MATH 4351 - Intro Real Analysis II
    MATH 4361 - Complex Variables
    MATH 4392 - Partial Differential Eqns II
    MATH 4396 - Perturbation Methods
    MATH 4640 - Intro Probability Models

    Plus one additional course (3 hours):
    Each major must take one additional upper division MATH course.

  2. General Mathematics:
    This track offers options. It can easily be turned into graduate school preparation (link to that track page) with only minor changes. It works well for double majors from engineering, physics, etc. You could also go into teaching. Others go on to Law School. In fact, in 2017-18 the acceptance rate for math majors into law school was 87%.  In short, this is the track for you if you want to keep your options open.

    Suggested Upper Division Electives
    MATH 4242 - Linear Algebra
    MATH 4261 - Abstract Algebra
    MATH 4350 - Intro Real Analysis I
    MATH 4635 - Intro Probability Theory

    Plus 6 Upper Division Hours Chosen From:
    MATH 3221 - Elementary Number Theory
    MATH 4084 - Introduction to Graph Theory
    MATH 4120 - Ordinary Differential Equations
    MATH 4351 - Intro Real Analysis II
    MATH 4361 - Complex Variables
    MATH 4391 - Partial Differential Eqns I
    MATH 4411 - Topology
    MATH 4636 - Intro Statistical Theory
    MATH 4721 - Numerical Analysis

    Plus one additional Course (3 hours):
    Each major must take one additional upper division MATH course.

  3. Graduate Study in Mathematics:
    If you have ever thought about pursuing a PhD in mathematics, this is the track for you. Graduate schools in mathematics look for applicants who have a strong foundation in real analysis and abstract algebra.  This track will ensure you have the foundation needed to be successful in your first year of graduate school.

    Suggested Upper Division Electives:
    MATH 4242 - Linear Algebra
    MATH 4261 - Abstract Algebra
    MATH 4350 - Intro Real Analysis I
    MATH 4351 - Intro Real Analysis II
    MATH 4361 - Complex Variables

    Plus one additional course chosen from:
    MATH 3221 - Elementary Number Theory
    MATH 4084 - Introduction to Graph Theory
    MATH 4120 - Ordinary Differential Equations
    MATH 4391 - Partial Differential Eqns I
    MATH 4411 - Topology
    MATH 4635 - Intro Probability Theory

    Plus one additional course (3 hours):
    Each major must take one additional upper division MATH course

  4. Secondary Mathematics Education:
    Nationwide, we have a shortage of teachers.  In mathematics this has long been the case, but the shortages have been made worse due to the impact of COVID-19. If you like mathematics and want a career with ample career opportunities across the nation, then consider becoming a high school math teacher.

    While this program of study does not lead directly to licensure, it does provide you with a strong foundation of mathematics content knowledge.  Upon completion it is possible to obtain a job on a provisional license, and take the necessary licensure exams (e.g., the Praxis) while you are teaching.

    Suggested Upper Division Electives:
    MATH 3221 - Elementary Number Theory
    MATH 3581 - College Geometry
    MATH 4151 - History of Mathematics
    MATH 4261 - Abstract Algebra
    MATH 4635 - Intro Probability Theory

    Plus either
    MATH 4636 - Intro Statistical Theory
    MATH 4637 - Stat Analysis/App Big Data

    Plus one additional course (3 hours):
    Each major must take one additional upper division MATH course.

Concentration in Actuarial Sciences:

The goal of this track is to prepare undergraduate students through fulfilling requirements in mathematics, statistics, economics, and finance for a career in actuarial science. This track students will acquire the basics of accounting, quantification of risk, theory of interest, and in the use of derivative securities as tools for managing financial risk. Aspiring actuaries are required to take examinations administered by the Society of Actuaries or Casualty Actuarial Society; these examinations are the most important benchmark by which the training of actuarial students is measured. Courses required for a track in actuarial science at the University of Memphis are designed to prepare students for the first two examinations, Exam P (introductory probabilistic and statistical basis of actuarial science) and Exam FM (financial mathematics). Students will be encouraged to take these at least once before graduation; those able to pass both may expect to fare well in the job market.

Suggested Upper Division Electives:

MATH 4636 - Introduction to Statistics
MATH 4607 - Introduction to SAS
MATH 4608 - Introduction to R

Plus, the following courses

MATH 4635 - Introduction to Probability
MATH 4020 - Actuarial Mathematics
MATH 4022 - Financial Mathematics I
MATH 4025 - Financial Mathematics II
ECON 2010 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 2020 - Introduction to Microeconomics
FIR 3410 - Financial Management

Concentration in Applied Statistics

Statistics has been described as the science of learning from data. Our program in Applied Statistics focuses on the application of rigorous statistical methodology to the collection, modeling, analysis of data for the purpose of practical interpretation and application. In the program students learn to use important statistical computational tools such as SAS and R. This undergraduate concentration prepares students for statistical related graduate studies, as well as for careers in secondary school teaching, the health and financial industries and work in government agencies.

Required Upper Division courses:

MATH 4635 - Intro Probability Theory 
MATH 4636 - Intro Statistical Theory 
MATH 4637 - Stat Analysis/App Big Data

One of the following:

MATH 4607 - Intro SAS Programming
MATH 4608 - R for Data Proc and Visual 

Plus 9 additional upper division electives chosen from: 

MATH 4020 - Actuarial Mathematics 
MATH 4242 - Linear Algebra 
MATH 4261 - Abstract Algebra 
MATH 4350 - Intro Real Analysis I 
MATH 4351 - Intro Real Analysis II
MATH 4361 - Complex Variables 
MATH 4391 - Partial Differential Equations I 
MATH 4607 - Intro SAS Programming
MATH 4608 - R for Data Proc and Visual 
MATH 4640 - Intro Probability Models 
MATH 4643 - Intro Regression/Time Ser Analysis 
MATH 4685 - Statistical Learning I 
MATH 4686 - Statistical Learning II 
MATH 4721 - Numerical Analysis 

Concentration in Data Science

The emergence of data science as a major new discipline has led to the demand for data scientists out pacing the supply. The skill set needed for successful data scientists requires knowledge of statistics and computer science. To provide students with this skill set the data science concentration within the Mathematical Sciences degree is centered around statistics with required computer science courses in machine learning. This concentration will help our students become even more attractive to employers and will prepare them for graduate studies in data science or applied statistics.

Required Upper Division Electives:

MATH 4635 - Intro Probability Theory
MATH 4636 - Intro Statistical Theory
MATH 4685 - Statistical Learning I
MATH 4686 - Statistical Learning II
COMP 2150 – CS2:  OOP and Data Structures
COMP 4151 - Intro to Data Science
COMP 4745 - Intro to Machine Learning

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