Undergraduate Programs & Resources

The department of mathematical sciences offers the following undergraduate degree programs.  In each case, follow the links to the undergraduate catalog for more details. 

Major in Mathematical Sciences.

In addition to the standard General Education requirements, all math majors complete the Major Core, which includes 2 semesters of lab sciences (physics or chemistry), Calculus 1-3, Differential Equations, Intro to Proofs, Intro Linear Algebra, and an introductory programming course.  In addition to the Major Core, students take at least 21 upper division credit hours. This is where you are able to customize your program of study to suit your needs.

We offer the following concentrations:

Concentration in Mathematics

We offer the following suggested tracks:

Concentration in Applied Statistics

The Applied Statistics concentration focuses on the application of rigorous statistical methodology to the collection, modeling, analysis of data for the purpose of practical interpretation and application. This undergraduate concentration prepares students for statistical related graduate studies, as well as for careers in secondary school teaching, the health and financial industries and work in government agencies.

Concentration in Data Science

The emergence of data science as a major new discipline has led to the demand for data scientists out pacing the supply. The skill set needed for successful data scientists requires knowledge of statistics and computer science. This concentration will help our students become even more attractive to employers and will prepare them for graduate studies in data science or applied statistics.

See the Degree planning guide for suggested courses.

Second Major in Mathematical Sciences 

For people majoring in Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering and Physics, you already take many of the math courses needed for a second major.  By adding only a few extra upper division electives, you can add a second major in math to your current degree plan.

Minor in Mathematical Sciences

If you have a major in one of the other STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) you may already be taking enough math classes to earn a minor in mathematics.  

See Advising Page for instructions on how to declare a major or 2nd major.

Students can also apply for an Accelerated Bachelor/Masters (ABM) program that allows for the completion of both a BS and MS in Mathematics in 5 years.

The Department also has an active Honor's Program.

What can you do with a degree in mathematical sciences?

A lot! Graduates of the Mathematical Sciences Department have secured placement in competitive positions nationally and internationally, as well as in high profile research labs and industry, such as Actuarial Analyst at Willis Towers Watson, Analytics Manager at GSK, Data Scientist at JP Morgan, Director of Operations Development at Egan-Jones Ratings Co., Instructor/Professor at Elementary, Secondary, and Post-Secondary levels, Inventory Management at GE Capital Aviation Services, Manager of Cybersecurity Intelligence and Analytics at FedEx, Marketing Analytics Manager at Merkle, Predictive Analytics Director at Great American Insurance Group, and Senior Biostatistician at Chiltern.

  • BS, MS, and PhD with a mathematics concentration, see answers from AMS, MAA, and OOH.
  • BS, MS, and PhD with statistics concentration, see answers from ASA, OOH, and Salaries.
  • BS with concentration in actuarial science, see answers from SOA, beanactuary.org, and OOH.
  • BS, MS with teaching mathematics concentration, see answers from NCTM and OOH.
  • For those wanting to pursue a career in academia, see answers from OOH in addition to sites above.


Mathematicians had a median salary of $112K per year in 2022 according to US News. 
Data scientist was rated the 4th best technology job, the 7th best STEM job, and the 8th best job overall by US News in 2024.
Statistician was rated the 4th best business job, 9th best STEM job,  and the 12th best job overall by US News in 2024.
Actuary was rated the 3rd best business job, 8th best STEM job, and 9th best job overall by US News in 2024.

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